Home » Spain, the Italian provincialism that always looks for foreign models

Spain, the Italian provincialism that always looks for foreign models

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Spain, the Italian provincialism that always looks for foreign models

On the Left, to win against Meloni, you don’t need foreign models but a leader Italian

The model, to which he looked Matthew Renziwhen he was Prime Minister, was the English one of Tony Blair. Renzi had been preceded, years earlier, by Julian AmatoPSI, which al Corriere della Sera he declared in 1995: “If I think of the policies we need, we have something to learn from the Blair governments”. The underlying concept of Blairism it was that the left needed to be modernized. The Blairism he wanted to help businesses, put an end to the overwhelming power of the trade unions, if necessary “make war” (Iraq, Kosovo, etc.), putting the red flags away in the drawers.

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Another myth, to which the Italian left looked, was that of the leader of the Spanish Psoe, Jose Luis Zapatero, head of government in Madrid from 2004 to 2011. His myth was created in Italy by the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq, but above all by his civil rights policy (first of all the introduction of same-sex marriages). His “gentle socialism” (also the title of a book by him) had made him an icon not only of the Italian one, but of the entire European left.

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