Home » Submersible Titanic, the 5 billionaires missing and the release on death

Submersible Titanic, the 5 billionaires missing and the release on death

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Submersible Titanic, the 5 billionaires missing and the release on death

The Ocean Gate submarine

Submersible Titanic, the ceo, the CEO and the manager. The profiles of the missing

They wanted to do something unique in the world and they were willing to spend any digit. Thus the operation was born Titana shipment through a submarine special to go see the remains of the Titanic, the famous vessel sunk in 1912 following a collision with an iceberg. But something – we read in the Corriere della Sera – It went wrong and of the five occupants of the boat which sank up to 3,800 meters there is no longer a trace. Time is running out, we calculate an’autonomy on board the vehicle of 96 hours.

Among the passengers there are also the businessman and British explorer Hamish Hardingwho had written on social media that he was in “the company of a couple of legendaries explorers who have dived to see the Titanic thirty times since the 1980s”. According to Sky News they would be the expert French explorer PaulHenry Nargeolet and the founder and CEO of the company that organized the expedition, Stockton Rush, oltre a Shahzada Dawood and to the driver of the vehicle.

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