Home » Support decree bis towards approval: 100 million for closed activities

Support decree bis towards approval: 100 million for closed activities

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ROMA – The Sostegni bis decree which passes the examination of the Council of Ministers, which met at lunchtime, contains 77 articles. Among the novelties of the 40 billion measure, a measure anti-layoffs. The novelty, wanted by the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando, would concern the companies that ask for the Covid cash by the end of June. In this case, the freeze on layoffs is extended to August 28. In addition, from July 1, companies that use ordinary cash will not have to pay the surcharges as long as they do not lay off, government sources report. Green light also for a contribution of 100 million to closed economic activities for at least four months.

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by Rosaria Amato, Raffaele Ricciardi

Here is the rule: for closed economic activities “between January 1, 2021 and the date of conversion of this decree, for a total period of at least 4 months, a Fund for the support of closed economic activities, with an endowment of 100 million euros for the year 2021 “.

Tari lighter

Thanks to an allocation of 600 million, the municipalities will be able to reduce the rate of countries (the waste tax). It is also extended until July 31 (from June 30) the cost reduction of electricity bills for activities affected by the crisis.

Brake stroke atcollection activities of taxes and duties. The activities of the collection agent are frozen until 30 June 2021. The draft specifies that “the acts and measures adopted and the obligations carried out by the collection agent in the period from 1 May 2021 to the date of entry into force of this remain valid. decree”.

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The measures for the corporate liquidity. The maximum duration of publicly guaranteed loans would be extended up to 10 years, from the previous six.

Tourism doubles the funds. The hotels bonus

The tourism sector as a whole collects 3.34 billion in resources which are added to the seven billion of the first Sostegni decree.

Another 150 million comes to the Fund to support the sector tourism and to refinance the hotel bonuses. The provision also provides – “to relaunch the tourist attractiveness of the cities of art” – an additional Fund, set up by the Ministry of Tourism, with an endowment of 50 million for 2021.

Support bis, today the green light: three ways to obtain refreshments

by Roberto Petrini

“It is intended for the disbursement of contributions in favor of municipalities classified by Istat as having a cultural, historical, artistic and landscape vocation, in whose territories there are sites recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites, taking into account the reductions in tourist presences in the year 2020 compared to 2019 “.

They will be used in “initiatives for the tourist enhancement of historic centers and cities of art”. The tax concessions provided for by the August decree for the tourism sector have also been extended.

A treasure of another 100 million – again at the Ministry of Tourism – to be assigned to the Regions and autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano. It must be “disbursed in favor of tourism businesses, located in municipalities located within districts ski resorts“and is added to the 700 million ad hoc of the first Sostegni text.

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The sector then refers to some interventions at work: for seasonal there are 737.6 million (re-proposed measures of the Support decree and one-off measures of 1,600 euros for subjects envisaged by Article 10 of Legislative Decree 41/21; another one-off of the same amount, not cumulative, for seasonal workers in the tourism sector, spas and entertainment).

And the tax concessions (exemption from the payment of contributions for tourism operators and spas and trade; within the limit of double the hours of wage integration, already used in the months of January, February and March of 2021). Again, the tax credit for rental fees, 42.7 million (for the tourism sector extended until 31 July for hotels, agritourism structures, travel agencies and tour operators, spas) and the non-repayable portion.

Recruitment in the school

“The decree Supports-bis finally contains the start of the ordinary competition: over 500 thousand candidates awaited this news in hope. The procedure will start immediately but will be gradual, in fact it begins with the teachers of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), of which there is a great shortage, and then continues below with the other figures. The graduality allows the entire procedure to be concluded within the next school year and allows the winners of the ordinary competition to be held in the chair in September 2022 “. Thus the Undersecretary for Education Barbara Floridia.

The former flag carrier

Allocations, again of 100 million euros and with a maximum duration of six months, to be used for operational and management continuity, for Ita, the newco of Alitalia.

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I refreshments non-repayable fund provided for by the decree supports bis amount to 15.4 billion:
– for automatic refreshment points identical to those of the first dl supports 8 billion euros are allocated,
– for the (alternative) ones that emerge from the comparison of the turnover between the period from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, 3.4 billion are allocated,
– for the “equalization” refreshments calculated on the result for the year, the provisions amount to 4 billion.


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