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Tanzania: 19 October Business Forum in Milan

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Only a few days left until the third edition of the Tanzania-Italy Business and Investment Forum. Scheduled to take place in Milan on 19 October, the event is a bridge between two entrepreneurial worlds, an opportunity to connect companies and create new investment prospects.

Organized by the Embassy of Tanzania in Rome, in collaboration with Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo, Tanzania Investment Center and Bergs & More, with the support of Assolombarda, the event, we read in a note, “represents a crucial opportunity to connect companies , create opportunities and deepen industrial and commercial collaborations between the two countries.”

During the Forum, the Prime Minister of Tanzania, Kassim Majaliwa, who will be in Italy for a few days, will speak. Other leaders of the Tanzanian government will also be present together with representatives of the Tanzania Investment Centre.

The Forum will mainly focus on the following key sectors: agriculture, mining, tourism, building, construction, banking and finance. During the event, agreements and memoranda aimed at supporting investments in these areas will be signed. The occasion, we read in the press release, is of significant importance for Italian companies wishing to invest in Tanzania and for Tanzanian companies who will participate to forge new commercial agreements.

“I am particularly proud to underline that Tanzania is currently among the ten fastest expanding economies on the African continent” declared the Ambassador of Tanzania to Italy, Mahmoud Thabit Kombo. “Our government is determined to invest in a future we build together and to increasingly open up to the global economy, constantly improving the investment environment. I am certain – he concluded – that Italy will be, yesterday as today, one of the protagonists of this great economic transformation of our country,”

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Since 2020, Tanzania has made a significant step forward by leaving the group of low-income countries. A tangible sign of economic growth that is not just a statistical fact, but also reflects the resilience and ambition of an entire country.

This transformation is driven by a growing population, which increased by 37% in the decade between 2012 and 2022, reaching 61.7 million inhabitants, a demographic phenomenon that also paves the way for a series of new development opportunities.

The Business Forum will take place at the Palazzo della Regione Lombardia (Sala Marco Biagi), starting from 9:00 on 19 October. After the plenary session, B2B meetings with Tanzanian companies will follow. [Da Redazione InfoAfrica]

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