Home » That’s why the rich don’t have a work-life balance, according to the wealth manager

That’s why the rich don’t have a work-life balance, according to the wealth manager

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That’s why the rich don’t have a work-life balance, according to the wealth manager

Christian von Bechtolsheim manages large fortunes of well-known entrepreneurial families and foundations. FOCAM AG

Christian Freiherr von Bechtolsheim, an experienced wealth manager and co-founder of Focam AG, manages the wealth of Germany’s wealthiest families and entrepreneurs.

Von Bechtolsheim observed that successful entrepreneurs often neglect personal aspects, including their families, due to their enormous determination and ambition.

He warns that a growing preference for a better work-life balance, such as the idea of ​​a four-day work week, is of economic concern as it could make Germany even more expensive to compete internationally.

What qualities unite successful people? We asked Christian Freiherr von Bechtolsheim that. The 63-year-old is an asset manager from Frankfurt and looks after the billions of the richest families and entrepreneurs in Germany.

Von Bechtolsheim has been working in the financial sector for more than 30 years. He went through a career at various banking houses before becoming self-employed. In 1999 he founded Focam AG together with Andreas Jacobs, heir to the Bremen coffee and chocolate dynasty. The company in the financial metropolis of Germany is now one of the renowned addresses for the super-rich.

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In order to be advised by Bechtolsheim and his team, you have to play at the top: a family office client should have 30 million euros. Two million euros are enough for an individual.

Most of his clients are well-known German entrepreneurs. Bechtolsheim does not say exactly who seeks advice from Focam. But there are people and companies that you “of course know”.

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What unites successful people

“In addition to traditional ambition, successful entrepreneurs have the unconditional will to be the best in their field,” von Bechtolsheim said in an interview with Business Insider.

Successful entrepreneurs are always the first to the office and the last to leave

Christian Freiherr von Bechtolsheim

“The entrepreneurs I know are all extremely committed and devote themselves almost exclusively to their product or company.” As a result, the family is often neglected. “In my opinion, the self-employed who have set up their own business in particular have a comparatively high divorce rate compared to the rest of the population,” says the asset manager.


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Successful companies are goal-oriented and strive to expand their company – “Whereas other aspects of life fall behind,” says von Bechtolsheim. “They are always the first to the office and the last to go home. They have practically no free time, because even when they are on vacation they are constantly thinking about their company and have their laptop with them.” There is no “real relaxation time”.

“They are the driving force for Germany and for all of us. So on the one hand I think it’s good, but on the other hand it’s unfortunate, especially with regard to their families,” says the billionaire connoisseur.

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Successful entrepreneurs are not interested in vacations

The issue of work-life balance is not a problem for these types of people because their work is their purpose in life. “They aren’t interested in vacationing in the Seychelles, they want to be in their company.” As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly thinking about work.

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If you look at the entire population of Germany, this attitude is the exception, says von Bechtolsheim. “Most people have their nine-to-five job, look forward to seeing their co-workers, and hope they have some fun at work. But work is of course not her only purpose in life.”

Why a four-day week is not good for Germany

The wealth manager says he can understand why more and more people want a better work-life balance and want to devote more time to life and less to work. “Of course, when I’m not completely convinced of my work, I try to find as much free time as possible for my children and other activities.”

But this is dangerous for Germany as a business location, says von Bechtolsheim: “I think that from an economic point of view this is not good for the entire country. Imagine that with a promised four-day week with full wage compensation, the labor costs per unit would increase. Germany is already relatively expensive in international competition, and that would only make the situation worse. Therefore, from an economic point of view, we should be very cautious and cautious.”

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