Home » The metalworkers want the short week. And the atmosphere in the company matters more than salary

The metalworkers want the short week. And the atmosphere in the company matters more than salary

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The metalworkers want the short week.  And the atmosphere in the company matters more than salary

ROME. Not just salary. Workers choose companies for the environment of positive relationships, for growth prospects, for training but also for the possibility of better reconciling work-life and welfare, so much so that the idea of ​​a short week meets with great approval. In fact, 80% of the answers are reached (86% among the younger workers) according to a survey by the Fim Cisl Lombardia White&Blue Collar aimed at office workers, managers, new and high-level professionals in the metalworking sector in Lombardy.
In all, 1,603 questionnaires were collected and analyzed by the research, the average age is 43 years and of these 1 out of 4 is a woman, about 96% work indefinitely. These are mostly workers from medium-large companies, including some multinationals such as Whirlpool and Leonardo.
The objective of the research was to listen to and study the needs, but also the desires and aspirations of employees, middle managers and high professionals in the engineering world, it is explained.
The results of the survey show a very interesting cross-section: to the question “What makes a job satisfying?”, obviously the economic data of the salary emerges (60% of the answers), but on an equal footing with the company climate (58.9%) and with an adequate work-life balance (52.3%). Then, with 38.68% of the answers, there is the possibility of professional growth, stability (29.7%), the possibility of working in smart working at least two days a week (24.5%), the effectiveness and importance of one’s own contribution (24.7%) and benefits at the end with 9.3% of the answers.
On the other hand, 4 aspects are indicated by more than 50% of the sample as unsatisfactory. In order: opportunities for professional growth (60.4%), communication within the company (53.5%). Salary (52.6%) and possibility of continuous training (50.6%). Women are less satisfied with the work/family reconciliation (-10%) and with schedules (-8%) than men. The final result is that just 20.1% of the sample say they have no reasons for thinking about hypothetical resignations, while the others are thinking about it.
“We can say that the needs of workers, their expectations with respect to work are evolving: the need to work well, in a positive relational environment, to have greater opportunities for professional growth and to have a job that is good be reconciled with his own family life” they explain from the Fim.
As for the idea of ​​the week promoted by the FIM, the interviewees would mainly be willing to work a little more the other days to obtain it (69.9% of the answers), 18.5% are willing to invest a part of which they enjoy, while another 11.6% could stake a portion of their salary or company bonuses.
As mentioned, it is women who feel the greatest need to improve the balance between life and work and therefore to have more flexible hours and greater opportunities for smartworking. Over 70% of the interviewees, among other things, complain of difficulties and discrimination in the workplace: “Women compared to men must commit themselves and demonstrate more” to be recognized professionally; “they earn less for the same jobs”, and again “women are mainly concentrated in some company roles with minor responsibilities and struggle to find space in others” and “they have experienced difficulties or unwanted job shifts after returning from maternity leave” .
Compared to smartworking, workers in general express a positive opinion, they feel they are carrying out their work more effectively, with fewer interruptions and with benefits on their psycho-physical condition and on their private life due to the lower frequency of travel.
The survey also shows the general need for quality professional training consistent with one’s work activity in order to cope even in advance with the rapid changes that are affecting the world of metalworking (foreign languages, soft skills, IT skills and specific software, project management the most popular topics) and that of adding to the salary a welfare that responds to family needs, parenting support, protection of non-self-sufficiency, but also supplementary healthcare and supplementary pensions.

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