Home » The Necessity of Deep Integration between the Digital Economy and the Real Economy for a Modern Industrial System

The Necessity of Deep Integration between the Digital Economy and the Real Economy for a Modern Industrial System

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Securities Times Net News, according to the public account of Industry and Information Technology Micro-Post, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s party group “Seeking Truth” magazine wrote: Vigorously promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, which pointed out that promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy is inevitable for the construction of a modern industrial system Require. Intelligence is an important feature of a modern industrial system. Whether it can grasp the wave of new technological revolutions such as artificial intelligence and realize the intelligent transformation of the industrial system is related to the core industrial competitiveness of a country, especially a big country. The digital economy has high innovation, strong penetration, and wide coverage. It is not only conducive to opening up new development tracks, but also fostering and strengthening the fifth-generation mobile communication technology (5G), industrial Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence with digital technology as the core. The development of emerging industries, such as emerging industries, has spawned a large number of new technologies, new formats, and new applications, forming new economic growth points; it can also drive the all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries, and play the role of digital technology in amplifying, superimposing, and multiplying economic development . To build a modern industrial system, we must promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, accelerate the development of the digital economy, continue to expand the depth of informatization and digitalization, and lead the optimization and upgrading of the industrial system.

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