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The Pope in Saxa Rubra strengthens Meloni: perfect government-Holy See understanding

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The Pope in Saxa Rubra strengthens Meloni: perfect government-Holy See understanding

Pope Francis, after the new appointments goes to Rai. CEO Sergio: “Historic event”

It is the first time that a Pope has gone to Rai and precisely to the Saxa Rubra production site, in northern Rome. The event was kept secret until the last moment and so yesterday, suddenly, the employees of the television organization saw themselves materialize Pope francescomoreover just the day before given unwell according to what was communicated by the Secretary of State Pietro Parolin.

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The Pope did not go to bless the structure after the recent tensions due to its renewal at the top but to record an interview which will be broadcast next Sunday, i.e. on June 4th. The event was already scheduled for last March but had to be postponed due to the Pope’s illness. The interview is contained in program of the CEI, “In His Image”, conducted by Lorena Bianchetti.

I vertices of viale Mazzini declared:

The presence of Pope Francis in the Rai studios is a historic event for the company and a moment of great intensity and meaning. The Holy Father has the ability to touch the hearts of all of us, believers and non-believers alike, with his extraordinary empathy and the power of his message and universal values ​​such as peace, charity and inclusion. We will remember this moment with true emotion”. So the president Marinella Soldi and the newCEO Roberto Sergio. It does not escape that this visit came just after the renewal of the Rai top managementwith the release of the old ad Carlo Fuorteslong at odds with the government, and the appointment of the new, precisely Sergio and the general manager Giampaolo Rossi, while still resisting – kicking – Soldi.

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