Home » Tommaso Cerno talks about Berlusconi but what he is saying is not understood

Tommaso Cerno talks about Berlusconi but what he is saying is not understood

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Tommaso Cerno talks about Berlusconi but what he is saying is not understood

Not happy, in the evening Cerno wanted to make an encore with a connection for the Tg5

Yesterday Thomas Cernodirector of the Identitywas in the early afternoon at Tagada (La7), connected remotely. His florid image gaily filled the screen and the huge black goggles seemed to want to peer into the future.

Behind him is an anonymous plastic library Convenience world he gave us the image of someone who doesn’t read much, but we know that this is a period in which writing is needed more than reading.

The standard suit with jacket “blu D’Alema” and white shirt clashed with the fake modernist domestic environment that made the room look more like the Moon Base of Space 1999 than a normal mansion.

Tiziana Panella asks him: “How many stories are there behind Berlusconi’s story?”. Cerno, with its very soft r type Fausto Bertinotti, he replied with a particularly sharp grind: “In the meantime, parrrrraphrasing De André one would have to say that only death brought him to the hills. Because it wasn’t journalism, it wasn’t the political opposition and it wasn’t the judiciary capable of removing him from the center of the field. Today Berlusconi disappeared, so he was a man (but go there!: ndr) who has made gigantic things of lights and shadows but only takes off for this”. Panella frowns and concentrates, invokes Toninelli expert in these exercises, but it is evident that he does not understand what Cerno means, however, wisely he nods perplexed and ignores it.

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