Home » Uterus for rent, in the US catalog to choose the child from 140 thousand euros

Uterus for rent, in the US catalog to choose the child from 140 thousand euros

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Uterus for rent, in the US catalog to choose the child from 140 thousand euros

Uterus for rent, in the US an online catalog to choose the child to come

The complex reality of therented uterus. The final frontier, at least in the Usa – where the practice is legal and established – consists in opportunities for future parents (termed “intentional parents”) of choose ethnicity, eye and hair color, height donors ready to offer their own pregnancy eggs for others. The option is sponsored by a well-known California agency, “Extraordinary Conceptions”, on its website: “If you are a future parent who is looking for an egg donor and/or a surrogate mother to help complete your family – we read on the homepage – click below to register to view our available donors and surrogates.”

As reported by The messenger (who with his reporters pretended to be a couple to experiment with the process), after registering by filling in the online forms, you will be contacted by a contact person who explains to the intended parents what to do. “For your future child you can choose the color of the hair, the eyes, the skin; we can even help you predict your child’s attitudes: our database includes information on the personality of our donor. Whether you are looking for a donor who you love to laugh, whether you prioritize education or have a musical ability, we can help you find it.”

The American agency’s website also offers two separate paths for those who want to become an egg donor or surrogate mother. In the first case, an age between 18 and 29 is required and a questionnaire must be answered which includes – in addition to questions relating to the health situation – questions such as: “Do you have anyone in the family with Down syndrome? Have you suffered rapes or harassment sexual?. If all the answers exclude the possibility of any type of disease, then 15 photographs must be sent, including – obligatorily – some dating back to childhood so that, explains the agency, future parents can imagine what the their child”. To become a donor you sign a contract which provides for a treatment based on daily injections to help stimulate the development of the eggs. The first transfer is made ten days after the withdrawal. In total, he will receive $6,000 (if he is a first-time donor).

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