Home » Variable rate, the MEF’s move: the plan to lower mortgage payments

Variable rate, the MEF’s move: the plan to lower mortgage payments

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Variable rate, the MEF’s move: the plan to lower mortgage payments

Variable rate mortgages, the government’s move to convince the banks

The Bce decided to raise interest rates again in July as well. A move that the government did not like and which brings to their knees especially those who are paying a variable rate mortgage. The costs of rate by now they have skyrocketed and the executive is trying to convince the banks to review agreements.

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“To the Ministry of Economy – said the leader of the League, Matteo, yesterday morning Salvini on Radio too – Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti is working with banks for extend deadlines of those who have a variable rate mortgage and who, due to the choices of the European Central Bank, have seen the rata. I would like the banks to lengthen the possibility for families and businesses payment times and therefore the installment remained the same and did not grow”. The banking union intervened again yesterday Fabi.

“On the one hand, interest rates on mortgages are always rising, on the other interest on deposits are always declining. For variable rate mortgages, the increases are coming up to 75%“, says Carmelo Raffa, coordinator of Fabi Sicilia.

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