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Ways to Improve Employee Development

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In past years, talent has been retained using comfortable pay and benefits, but that may no longer be feasible for businesses recovering from the pandemic and facing the effects of inflation. Still, know there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and offering higher pay and benefits is not the only way of attracting talent. You might want to go for more personalized alternatives, where you offer training to help each employee reach their professional goals.

Offer On-the-Job Training

While classroom learning may have its place, it is not nearly as effective as training that is put to use every day. Spend some time engaging with employees and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone. If you have a fleet, you may want to implement dash cams, as some allow drivers to live-stream the video in real-time. It’s beneficial to employee development because you can go along on a virtual ride-along, offering feedback and remote training. If you want to learn more, you can get a guide on how it works and choosing the right cameras for your fleet. On the other hand, if someone has trouble with public speaking, you may take some time to work with them and go over a presentation before they give it. It allows them to practice their skills, and it can help them feel more at ease.

Consider Matching Training Experiences

It is common to give all workers the same type of training, especially if they do the same type of job. Still, there are variables that will affect how they receive training and prefer to go through it. Their work ethic, how they deal with stress, experience, and career goals can all play a role. The workforce is also multi-generational, and each generation has its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to recognize these differences when it comes to learning and development. Consider the role technology may play in your employees’ lives too. Younger generations may have grown up with technology and have no issues learning how to use an online learning tool. On the other hand, older generations may benefit more from in-person learning that does not rely as heavily on technology.

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Offer Regular Feedback

Offering constructive, clear feedback is critical as employees go through development and learning. Have a strategy to communicate feedback on their work. It’s important to ensure you are being constructive. Offer a solution instead of just telling the employee what they are doing wrong. If possible, consider putting numbers and data into your feedback. That allows your team to check how they are performing and determine how to improve. You can offer feedback in a one-on-one setting, which is especially helpful if you have a problematic employee. However, there are also comprehensive approaches you can take. For example, you could create a panel of managers and colleagues and have them offer feedback on each worker. It can give you a bigger picture of the situation because you will be hearing from the people who work most closely with the employee.

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