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Women manage crises better – Financial news and Economy news

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Women manage crises better – Financial news and Economy news

3 female entrepreneurs pass on their recipes for success to decision-makers in business and work: Christiane Kuhlmann, Dr. Johanna Dahm, Heike Fuckert

from left: Christiane Kuhlmann, Dr. Johanna Dahm, Heike Fuckert (Image source: Jane Uhlig PR press office)

(Frankfurt/Münster July 1, 2023) At a large meeting of women entrepreneurs, Dr. Johanna Dahm, Christiane Kuhlmann and Heike Fuckert invited to Münster. The host was the association “Business Professional Women Int”, which is committed to the career development of entrepreneurs and female executives: “More and more women feel insecure when it comes to making decisions in their profession or company. And even successful women are looking for new ideas in the VUCA world,” says the 2nd association chairwoman, qualified psychologist and managing director Dr. Gabriele Kahlert-Dunkel. The event was intended to promote exchange with women and help them overcome their fears of the future.

Women decide differently

dr Johanna Dahm, Frankfurt consultant and investor, spoke as a speaker about decisions relevant to the future. She knows the start-up perspective, but has also worked as a manager and HR manager in global companies: “In terms of evolution, women are much better suited to dealing with uncertainty and decisions and under pressure – they just forgot it and can use their strengths when they are outnumbered , ie do not introduce it in male-dominated circles. They are overruled and burned out,” says the decision-making expert. In companies, in employer forums and with research committees, she is in constant exchange on how women can better develop skills such as self-confidence and assertiveness, decision-making strength and financial management. “In the 21st century, it is often not yet possible to talk to women about their money without the boss, husband or father interfering,” says Dahm with regret.

Founders are catching up, men are still preferred

Christiane Kuhlmann, owner of the Stressless Academy and naturopathic practice in Münster, moderated the evening. She spoke openly about financial bottlenecks when she started her own practice, when the banks were not yet granting loans. “Young female entrepreneurs usually have to overcome a large number of, indeed far more, challenges than men. To date, 4 out of 5 funded companies are managed by men, although 42% of the applications come from women. If you apply for funding, the funding program must be more than well researched: So find out whether it is a public institution, foundation or private investor,” says the now successful multiple entrepreneur. “But even more important: the formalities! You have to exceed the requirements and requirements for the respective funding programs, your business plan has to be convincing!”

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The mindset has to be right: introduce business routines

Kuhlmann is not only an entrepreneur with body and soul, she is above all committed to her patients: “My tip: Decide on something that touches you deeply on all levels”. The virus expert considers fears or insecurities to be normal, so her own experience, a routine daily routine and reminders of her purpose in life will help her:

1. get up in the morning – always keep discipline and routine

2. use everything as a learning experience

3. Do what fulfills you and is useful to others – with joy and enthusiasm

More relevant than ever: Before starting your own business

Like the previous speakers, the former Group Director Heike Fuckert, now a coach and consultant in Bad Salzuflen, appeals for women to know and focus on their strengths, especially in times of change and uncertainty. She calls for courage: “Realize your potential to the full and design your place in the future according to YOUR ideas!” After a successful top management career in well-known companies such as Tchibo, Otto and Gerry Weber, Fuckert chose self-employment and today supports both change and transformation Teams as well as individuals: “Regardless of the career in your previous life, you have to reposition yourself in the next step, nobody prepares you for that,” Fuckert said urgently. That’s why she has worked out something for her clients, she calls it

3-point program to get started well in self-employment:

1: Set clear goals: First of all, make it clear where your own journey should really go and identify and work through possible trigger points. You come up with an idea quickly, but the clarity that goes with it sometimes takes time.

2: Get outside support: Fuckert’s own coach helped her a lot. Especially in times of self-doubt. That feeling of not being good enough to be self-employed. What exactly do you have to offer? She was familiar with the corporate structure. The doubts only surfaced at the desk in self-employment.

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3: Regulate finances: Have enough money on hand for a long dry spell without income. Also for regular further training. Because in Germany in particular, the certificates that have been completed count at least as much as practical work experience.

Future security can be learned: stay open, curious and patient

Johanna Dahm agrees with the previous speakers and emphasizes again very clearly: There is no silver bullet to success, but openness and curiosity about the future are an important key factor instead of clinging to the old. “We should also be prepared to forget outdated knowledge, because we need capacity for new things! Only those who decide to go new ways, to try things and not want to either do everything damn or perfect from the start, can also be successful. And above all: stay patient,” warns the consultant, because she knows all too well the striving for perfection in the management ranks.

Network contacts help in difficult times

During the peak phase of the pandemic alone, Dahm accompanied change processes for more than 2,000 hours. “For many, I acted as a friend or mentor they never had,” she says with regret. The native of Düsseldorf swears by international networks and praises the commitment of BPW: When she started her career at the Junior Chamber International (business juniors), she herself found the right network for her, in which young managers and entrepreneurs can support and network with each other . Because it is often women in particular who do not lack talent or ability, but rather the necessary support and the right contacts”. That is why the entrepreneur opens her own network of executives especially for her customers in the context of mentoring and projects. Among other things, this is how the “Atlas of Decision Makers” came about.

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A book project by experienced decision-makers – guides in the crisis in July at a special price

As early as 2022, the three entrepreneurs had been able to place a double bestseller with the first volume of the “Atlas of Decision Makers”. The second volume (2023) also ranks on the list of the best. “Even more methodical, even simpler, even more needs-oriented are the decision-making patterns for all target groups that have had to reorient themselves since Covid-19,” says Johanna Dahm, who also publishes the book series at Bourdon-Verlag in Münster. “Whether it’s the way to self-employment, back to employment, the development of a start-up or the complete turnaround – all readers will find themselves here. Especially since we were able to win over representatives of large corporations such as VW, Bosch, Svarowski and Ralf Dümmel from “The Lion’s Den” as authors,” says the editor happily. You can learn to make decisions – why not from the best?!”

The eBook can be purchased for 99 cents throughout the month of July. to be acquired:

Christiane Kuhlmann, non-medical practitioner since 1992, owner of her own private practice and stressless business academy in Münster.

Heike Fuckert – Leadership with charisma, Former Group Director now accompanies executives in development.

Dr. Johanna Dahm – CEO Dahm International Consulting

The management consultant and decision-making expert has been supporting people and organizations in business and leadership development for more than 20 years.

Image source: Jane Uhlig PR press office

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