Home » A girl took 10 pills for a viral TikTok challenge and ended up in the hospital

A girl took 10 pills for a viral TikTok challenge and ended up in the hospital

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A girl took 10 pills for a viral TikTok challenge and ended up in the hospital

Once again viral challenges of TikTok They took a minor straight to the hospital. On this occasion, she was a twelve-year-old girl who ended up admitted to the children’s hospital of Córdoba.

The easy access and uncontrolled algorithm of the Chinese social network he is the protagonist again. A girl was with her friend when she received the link through TikTok to access a challenge that consisted of ingesting different drugs in pill format.

Verónica Petri, director of the children’s hospital in Córdoba, explained in Radio Miter Cordoba that the minor ingestedup to 10 tablets of different medicines. Apparently they were anti-inflammatory pills and antibiotics.

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The young woman was with her friend browsing TikTok when a link challenged her to ingest 15 pills of different drugs to “make her stronger and more beautiful””.

As a result of taking ten drugs, the girl began with pain and nausea that led to a subsequent hospitalization. After a stomach lavage and 24 hours of observation, the girl was discharged.

Her friend, as reported by the director of the health center herself, did not require medical assistance since she did not take so many pills.

A 13-year-old boy died and another is seriously ill due to a viral TikTok challenge in Río Negro


The addictive TikTok will restrict the time of use for those under 18 years of age

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Other challenges that ended in tragedy

In January 2023, another 12-year-old girl from Gran Rosario, Santa Fe province, lost her life by hanging as a result of a challenge that went viral on TikTok.

Five days later, a 13-year-old teenager from General Roca, Río Negro, died after the “Blackout” challenge. While his 17-year-old friend ended up hospitalized.

From TikTok they have already begun a dialogue with researchers and experts from the Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital to decide the time limits that will be established for adolescents and try to curb the “addictive power” of the social network in the youngest.


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