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Acclaimed Musician and Director of Plena Libre Dies Following Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

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Acclaimed Musician and Director of Plena Libre Dies Following Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

Plena Libre Group Director, Gary Núñez, Passes Away After Battle with Pancreatic Cancer

Sad news struck the music industry this Saturday as Gary Núñez, the director of the acclaimed group “Plena Libre,” lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. The news was confirmed by Núñez’s widow, Valerie Cox, who shared the heartbreaking announcement with friends, family, and fans.

In a written statement, Cox expressed her anguish, saying, “Dear friends, with pain in our souls, my children and I inform you of the death of my Gary (Núñez) this morning. Gary passed away in our home surrounded by us, his family, and receiving all the love he sowed throughout his life.” She revealed that Núñez had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which came as a devastating blow just a few weeks ago.

Despite his diagnosis, Núñez fought with unwavering determination and strength, not only for his own well-being but also to minimize the impact on his children, LuisGa, Joel, and Adriana, as shared by Cox. The grieving widow expressed gratitude towards Dr. Edgardo Vélez, Dr. Maribel Tirado, and the medical team at the Comprehensive Cancer Center for providing excellent care during the final weeks of Núñez’s life.

Addressing the immense love and support that Núñez received from his fans, Cox informed the public that he would be cremated. She further stated that a public event would be organized in the near future to honor and remember Núñez, inviting all those who adored him.

The news of Gary Núñez’s passing has hit the music industry and his supporters hard. Núñez will always be remembered for his extraordinary talent and contribution to Plena Libre. His legacy will continue to inspire many in the years to come.

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