Home » An LLA deputy said that Milei will withdraw the Omnibus Law from Congress

An LLA deputy said that Milei will withdraw the Omnibus Law from Congress

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An LLA deputy said that Milei will withdraw the Omnibus Law from Congress

The national representative for La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Carlos D’Alessandro, stated this Wednesday that the national government does not plan to send new bills to Congress this year. Based on that information, He inferred that President Javier Milei will withdraw the Omnibus Law from the premises.

“We received news from the Executive that They do not plan to send any law during the current year, so I understand that this Omnibus law is going to be withdrawn“said the legislator in statements to Radio 10. However, he clarified that from his bloc they will continue presenting projects that “we believe are appropriate for the country we need”: “I have at least seven, eight laws that we are already writing for 2024. We believe that from my bench we can contribute a lot to the proper functioning of the country”.

Difference in styles: the reactions of Milei and Villarruel after the setback of the Omnibus Law

In addition to this, he expressed that from his bench “we always strive for consensus and dialogue”. In this regard, he stated that during the day he held talks with both dialoguist and non-dialogue opponents to try to “understand the situations that Congress is going to face” this year.

Asked about the errors that the ruling party may have had in the return of the Omnibus Law to committees, the deputy assured that “it was one of the possible results”. “We knew and understood that the law on treatment was generally going to pass because we had had the opinion and consensus of the agreements with the dialogue blocks,” he stated. Likewise, he expressed that “there was still a lot to go through” because the dissents “were not about the same article and subsection, but were varied: we had dissents about the fiscal part, the security part, the regional economies…”.

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Why the Omnibus Law fell

“I was not in the negotiations because they were in charge of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosof the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menemand our block leader, Oscar Zago, but from what was transmitted to us in the meetings in Deputies, the agreements were quite advanced. When we arrived at the venue, new concerns began to arise from some dialogue blocs and there we began to see in some sections that they began to vote against. I think that is what bothered the Executive and asked that we ask for an interim period and that the law be withdrawn and that it return to committee“, summarized.

The national deputy for LLA, Carlos D’Alessandro, announced that his bloc is preparing “seven or eight laws” to present this year.

When asked about the president’s attitudes, the tensions in commission meetings and the fight with the governors, D’Alessandro considered that it is “a process that does not have a logic to which we are accustomed from politics.” “LLA is a political space that has been generated in the last two years with a president who built his political career and his image through continuous confrontation and a way of expressing himself towards politics and towards what he called caste”, an attitude that he believed he continues to maintain “even from the Executive.”

Along these lines, he clarified that the block of deputies “makes the reservation” that “we are a legislative branch that was elected on October 22, we have 38 deputies and we achieved 30% of the votes on this occasion.” “The Executive enjoys greater support because it has been elected in a runoff with 56% of the votes,” he remarked, given what he considered that “the authority emanating from the Executive is with fair strength due to the number of votes it obtained”.

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Milei’s frenetic early morning on the networks after the fall of the Omnibus Law

Regarding the conflict with the provincial governments, he maintained that “The Executive will have to build the dialogues through the Ministry of the Interior and its minister to be able to reach a consensus throughout the Argentine territory. “We are going to have the dialogue from the legislative because if they are not going to send us laws, we cannot have Congress stopped. As we are two different powers, it is sometimes difficult to give an opinion from this power to the Executive branch where we have no interference,” he added.

In the final section of the interview, The legislator was “very satisfied” with the operation of the LLA bloc and highlighted the presidency of Zago, who in his opinion “has maintained a unity of criteria in relation to the other blocks and ourselves.” “For us it was an excellent pre-season to begin to demonstrate from the ordinary sessions what the LLA deputies are capable of.“he concluded.


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