Home » ATE will join with Unter the national strike against the repression in Jujuy

ATE will join with Unter the national strike against the repression in Jujuy

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ATE will join with Unter the national strike against the repression in Jujuy

The State Workers Association (ATE) will carry out the national strike scheduled for this Thursday and will join the Unter who joined Ctera, in support of the struggle of the teachers of Jujuy. In this way, there will be no classes during that entire day in the Rio Negro territory.

In this sense, the Rio Negro union demands the release of the people detained “in the framework of the brutal repression deployed by the infantry and police of Governor Gerardo Morales on National Route 9 near Purmamarca, Jujuy«, and calls for a strike in the province of Río Negro for next Thursday.

The measure was adopted by the union throughout the country and “in rejection of the violence against those who peacefully demonstrated against the constitutional reform that restricts the right to protest.”

ATE views with concern “the validity of individual and collective freedoms and the state of injured people in Jujuy, among whom are union leaders and affiliates. The decision to repress and criminalize the protest demonstrates the non-compliance with current regulations and intervention protocols in the face of peaceful demonstrations.

The union headed by Rodrigo Vicente, affirmed that “it will not allow the repressive and criminalizing actions of the popular demonstration becomes a mechanism to impose regressive political decisions, since it is considered essential for the existence and consolidation of a democratic society and respect for human rights”.

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