Home » Bariloche, the city of surveillance cameras

Bariloche, the city of surveillance cameras

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Bariloche, the city of surveillance cameras

Bariloche will close the year with 150 security cameras located in different parts of the city. These images are supervised by the Monitoring Center that works 24 hours a day.

When the mayor Gustavo Gennuso took over the management in 2016, there were only 6 video cameras in the downtown area. Little by little, the General Directorate of Security was acquiring increasingly sophisticated 360-degree domes.

This Friday, they will install mobile teams to monitor the scenes of the National Snow Festival, from a “command room” made up of Civil Protection personnel and the Río Negro Police.

“We plan to install nine units between now and the end of the year. In this way, we will be reaching 150 teams at the end of the management“, summarized Raúl Quinteros, general director of Security of Bariloche.

He stressed that years ago, there were only 6 teams, but the expansion of the link system allowed progress in the installation of cameras throughout the city. The municipality installed cameras even on the Limay river bridge and in a sector of Route 23, at the request of the provincial government during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He stressed that the images from security cameras have made it possible to provide evidence in numerous legal cases. He gave as an example the femicide of Valeria Coppa in the area of ​​the Cathedral of Bariloche. In that opportunity, the cameras made it possible to identify the perpetrator of the crime, the vehicle in which he was traveling and even track the car.

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Each camera has a value of around 2,000 to 3,000 dollars. In the linkage system, they have been invested between 40 to 50 thousand dollars, which includes updating the monitoring center.

«The new cameras incorporate artificial intelligence. With better technology, it is even possible to identify people. That allows today, searches to be faster. The tool is increasingly practical,” said the municipal official.

Regarding the last 9 teams, Quinteros pointed out that one has already been installed in the area of ​​the Belgrano neighborhood and another will be added soon In the cathedral, a zone of conflict due to auto tuning races and two others in the Dump to control intentional fires. The area of ​​Elordi and Tiscornia will also be added, “at the request of the neighbors.”

«All zones have the same amount of equipment. We try to be fair. This first process was linked to the areas with the greatest circulation. Now, we will have to start entering the neighborhoods. There are new built-up areas that did not exist when we started the administration”, he affirmed.

“We are talking about a 200 square kilometer common,” he added. It is the second largest in all of Argentina. And that today we can have technology installed to place equipment is important work.

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