Home » Bitter Father’s Day for an Argentine drug trafficker, and for his ‘postal friend’ in New Zealand

Bitter Father’s Day for an Argentine drug trafficker, and for his ‘postal friend’ in New Zealand

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Bitter Father’s Day for an Argentine drug trafficker, and for his ‘postal friend’ in New Zealand

There was a time when drug trafficking was in troubleforcing its cultivators to extreme the ingenuity. These days, narcos are more practical: They go to the post office and dispatch the drugs by ordertask that, sometimes it fails. It was the case of a shipment discovered this weekend in a joint task between the DHL company and Customs personnel, who, when reviewing a parcel going to New Zealand, discovered that the nice shipment of herb, sweetener and some clothes to that countryconcealed 3.4 kilos of cocaine.

To such a point did the “narco self-confidence” reach, that much of that drug was in liquid form, in bottles of sweetener that were sent to ‘sweeten’ the pockets of drug traffickers in New Zealand lands. In this regard, it was indicated that this drug in that country has a value of around 680 thousand dollars, ten or twelve times more than in our drug market. That equation is driven by the export spirit.

The alert to Customs came from DHL, and thus specialized agents of the General Directorate of Customs came to inspect the parcel. Based on the risk parameters provided by the agency, the logistics firm had separated three suspicious shipments on his property in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Mataderos.

The sweetener bottle that was bound for New Zealand with liquid cocaine. (NA PHOTO)

So a guide checked everything with one of the customs dogs, and the sheepdog’s nose did not need an intrusive control over the boxes to mark that there was drug there. Within this framework, with the due judicial authorization, the agency’s staff carried out an exhaustive inspection.

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When the Customs agents opened the package, some details of its contents caught their attention: there were clothes with a weight that seemed excessive and in addition to yerba and other trifles, three jars of sweetener, obviously these with liquid inside. The customs personnel decided to carry out narcotests on the merchandise, which tested positive for cocaine and the account gave 3.4 kilos of drugs.

Customs discovered drugs in a postal shipment bound for New Zealand.

According to estimates, in Argentina that amount of drugs is worth about 51,000 dollars, but that multiplies to reach 686,000 dollars if it can be brought to New Zealand streets. By order of the National Economic Criminal Court number 2, in charge of Pablo Yadarola, Customs seized the narcotics. For his part, the magistrate ordered to continue with the investigation in order to try to find who sent the package.


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