Home » Carlos Telleldín is the new defender of Brenda Uliarte, arrested for the attempt to assassinate Cristina Kirchner

Carlos Telleldín is the new defender of Brenda Uliarte, arrested for the attempt to assassinate Cristina Kirchner

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Carlos Telleldín is the new defender of Brenda Uliarte, arrested for the attempt to assassinate Cristina Kirchner

Lawyer Carlos Telleldinthe former car dealer and screwdriver who was indicted by the attack on AMIAis officially the new defender of Brenda Uliarteone of those arrested by the assassination attempt against Cristina Kirchner.

The designation of Telleldín, who studied law when he was detained for the AMIA bombingwas accepted on Friday by the judge Maria Eugenia Capuchettiwho is in charge of the file for the attack.

“Having accepted the position of the mentioned lawyer, the designation of the Federal Defender’s Office No. 2 is considered revoked. Join the defense in the digital file system,” Capuchetti ordered, in a brief resolution.

Carlos Telledín, Brenda Uliarte’s lawyer who was investigated for the AMIA attack

The comings and goings of the lawyers of those accused of trying to assassinate Cristina Kirchner

Telleldín was proposed as defender by Uliarte herself by means of a document sent to the Court from the Ezeiza Prison. Uliarte’s signature was certified by the deputy judge of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Martín Saldívar.

Carlos Telleldin.

At the beginning of the investigation, Telleldín had been proposed by the father of Brenda Uliarte to exercise her defense, but the detainee objected and preferred to continue with the official defense of Gustavo Kollman.

Uliarte appointed as co-defender Facundo Daniel Abregú, but Capuchetti has not yet accepted his appointment because it does not appear as registered before the Public School of the Federal Capital.

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Indeed, from consulting the registry of lawyers registered in the Federal Capital – a requirement to practice before the courts based in the metropolitan district – the Abregú registry does not emerge.

Another of the detainees Fernando Sabag Montiel -who triggered the head of the vice president- questioned her official defender, Juan Martin Hermidain a letter that he sent to the Buenos Aires Federal Chamber.

Sabag Montiel had entrusted to Hernán Carrol, a youtuber who participates in far-right demonstrations, the appointment of a private lawyerbut that management never materialized.


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