Home » closing with pure folklore with the Chaqueño and the Indio Rojas

closing with pure folklore with the Chaqueño and the Indio Rojas

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closing with pure folklore with the Chaqueño and the Indio Rojas

Sunday the 15th, the last day of “Argentinity” of Jesús María 2024. A pure folklore festival and with a third day of more than twenty thousand tickets sold (20,042 entered until 11:30 p.m.), another edition of the National Dressage and Dressage Festival closed. Folklore.

In addition, a special day to honor one of the outstanding figures of both the event and Argentine music: a day to celebrate Chaqueño Palavecino’s 40 years in music.

But first, the awards and mentions they left this day: the consecration awards went to Christian Herrera and Juan Fuentes. Piko Frank was the 2024 revelation, while Candela Mazza was the honorable mention. Saypa took the honorary distinction.

Two Singers of the Mount waiting for a third and a consecration for one of them

On this last day of this festival so loved and sought after by people from Córdoba, Argentines from all latitudes and also people from neighboring countries, Tati Domínguez and Ángelo Aranda stopped by Martín Fierro. Also Mariano Valor, winner of the “Camino al Festival” contest, which takes place in the Patio de Doña Pipa.

Then came the consecrated Christian Herrera, presented by Valentín Ríos, a potential 8-year-old entertainer, and, like him, a native of Salta.

Christian Herrera, one of those consecrated in Jesús María 2024. (Courtesy of the Festival Press)

The amphitheater woke up to an intense ovation. “Olé, olé, olé, Christian,” they shouted at him. Excited, the musician thanked him for so much affection and warned that “crying” could come. With his first chacarera, Firme el quebracho, the people light up and the audience blooms in dancing couples.

The adoration of Christian continues throughout his show. They approach the stage, ask for autographs, leave gifts. And he returns that love.

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Later his companion from Cantores del monte, Lázaro Caballero, came. The two, together with Indio Rojas, make up the trio that performed on Wednesday the 10th, and today they have their shows individually, although, later on, the night will bring them together on stage for a very special occasion.

Lázaro, one of Jesús María’s most beloved artists, opens with a beautiful choir of violins making Argentine and Formosa sound. They also pass Bien Chaqueño soy, Lindo Adorno Pa’ Mi Apero and Amor por ti, among others.

Lázaro Caballero in Jesús María 2024. (The Voice)

40 years of Chaqueño music

After the final clarion call and the closing act of Bien Argentino, Oscar Esperanza, better known as Chaqueño Palavecino, makes his traditional and “emblematic” entrance, as highlighted by Andrés Bolletta, who in a tribute to his 40 years of music and with twenty thousand people at the José Hernández, causes more excitement than usual.

The musician enters on horseback and makes a complete circuit of the dressage field, smiling and greeting the audience that cheers him, followed by gauchos, other musicians such as Lázaro Caballero, figures such as Nicolás Membriani, and also members of the police force on horseback.

Then he heads to the stage, in a slow march because everyone wants to touch him, greet him, or even take a photo with him. Meanwhile, behind him, the field is opened to the public, who immediately fill it.

Chaqueño Palavecino in Jesús María 2024. (La Voz)

Dear Pilcomayo begins his repertoire, which also has How much I loved you, Cantorcito del pago, For your love, Black eyes, Perfumed flower, Your skin my skin, May you forget me (the audience chants, enjoying), My voice, That’s me .

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The musician brings up the Bolivian singer Erick Claros to accompany him. The singer of singers explains to him that he prepared a cueca, but that he can choose another song. Claros thanks and asks the musicians for the chacarera If I see you again.

The Singers of the Mount also come up later, now all three together: Lázaro, Indio Rojas, and Christian. Palavecino congratulates him on his award and jokes: “In 30 years they haven’t consecrated me…”. “The people dedicated you to you,” says Herrera, smiling.

Don Lucio Rojas also comes up, and together they face some couplets. An unforgettable night.

Chaqueño Palavecino with Don Lucio Rojas in Jesús María 2024. (La Voz)

El Indio Rojas closes Jesús María 2024

Indio Lucio Rojas is in charge of an important task: leaving the public in the amphitheater and those who follow the live broadcast with the last memory of the 58th edition of the festival. Of course, the next day comes the so-called “extra night”, but the folklore nights end this Sunday.

He is the ideal person to close a pure folklore festival.

Just after 4, it begins with Leaving Traces, Identity, My Times. “Thank you for your patience,” he says to the audience, considering a delay of about 45 minutes in the scheduled grid. However, everyone is willing to wait to enjoy its energetic and colorful presentation.

La Taleñita follows and then comes Marca Erarada, before whose last verses he says: “Many times I ask my old man who is on the banks of the Pilcomayo to sing, but today he is here, so…”.

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“Tonight is going to be historic, for one reason only: since the day began, chacarera was sung and that is how we are going to leave. We are going to sing about faith, hope, love, not giving up and always moving forward,” reflects El Indio. Follow the, precisely, hopeful It’s never too late.

A single voice, Don’t hug me because I cry, Chaqueñamente, Zamba salteña (with the presence of the powerful voice of Marina Cornejo), You swear, they continue and pave the way towards the release of one more successful edition of Jesús María, although the public He doesn’t want to get away from the fernets, the wines, the slushy sangrias, and, above all, the deep love for this Cordoba summer event and its folklore.

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