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clothes and words, and vice versa

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clothes and words, and vice versa

In the role of clothes: The role of clothes is played this time by bags and shoes from Daniela Lehbi’s summer campaign photographed by Dodi Hasson. Photographed: Shirley Boganim and Anat Byrne. Starred in the role of the location: Beit Dubiner in Ramat Gan. For those who want to read more about the house: at this link.

In the role of words: Quotes from the book “Maybe I’m Wrong and Additional Insights from the Life of a Forest Hermit”, by Bjorn Natiko Lindblad. Translation: Noa Ben Porat

“In the Western world, and no less than that in the business world, I was told that intellect is more important than anything else. And here I was given convincing proof of what I always suspected – that we, humans, also have a great many other resources at our disposal. There is an intelligence that is not limited to our heads, and we should rely on it more.’
“Listening to the inner voice is not illogical; It contains the logic.’
“If your attention is freed from its restraints – you will discover one fundamental truth. That the universe operates according to the following principles: You will know what you need to know when you need to know it.”
“A person who accepts responsibility for his actions and words, who adheres to the truth, who respects the rules, who does not intentionally harm others; Such a person is like a full moon on a tropical night, emerging into the light from behind the clouds and shedding its light on all around him.’
“I like the answer given by Ajahan Che – the legendary Thai forest monk – when he was asked: “What is the biggest obstacle facing your Western followers on their way to enlightenment?” And to that he answered, with all his wisdom, in one word: “opinions”.

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I want to live
I want to give
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