Home » hosted by wiebke | pvris @ arena | 30.04.2024

hosted by wiebke | pvris @ arena | 30.04.2024

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hosted by wiebke | pvris @ arena | 30.04.2024

“PVRIS” in the arena showed that an artist doesn’t always have to put on a big show to get the crowd going crazy.

The weather was good. my mood is excellent. and the next day a holiday. For me, the evening before May 1st was to be used extensively. And what could be nicer than going to a concert? The group “Pvris” was on the program. Although I only knew a few songs, I liked them. so I headed to the arena. I arrived a quarter of an hour before the support started. There was no queue at the entrance, nor in the toilet. And when I finally entered the large hall, the hall was only about a third full. The audience seemed to want to enjoy the rest of the good weather. As soon as the support came onto the stage, people quickly pushed their way into the room. “scene queen“’s visual appearance in pink plush and a pink microphone stand was immediately etched in my memory. The latter was kicked several times because the singer created a great atmosphere: she danced and jumped around with her band. The audience took part in a “metal hoedown” and there was even a “twerkle pit” – to metal music. It was all nice, but the bass was so over-the-top that it gave me an unpleasant feeling. but other than that, their show was fun. a successful support appearance.

Afterwards I was left hoping that the sound would be better for the main act. Meanwhile, I gratefully drank the free water in the arena. The arena was now completely filled with “pvris“fans. Among them there were those who were dressed from head to toe in black. In contrast to this were those with colorful hair or other lively accessories. All in all, a colorful mix. While the start of the show was delayed for a few minutes, the audience remained in a carefree mood. With little light and shrouded in thick fog, the musicians finally appeared in silhouette, followed by the singer Lynn Gunn. Despite my place in the front rows, it took me a while to get a good look at her face. The stage was constantly swimming in a thick soup of fog. In addition, there were a lot of strobe lighting effects used, which made it uncomfortable for me to look at. On the positive side, I found that the sound sounded significantly better. In addition, the crowd went off like Schmidt’s cat. “pvris” played queerbeet the best off of all their albums. For me, the song “Burn the Witch” stood out, with the volume in the hall reaching an absolute peak.

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During the course of the set the fog cleared so that I could make out the two other band members. and also the non-existent background. Although I wasn’t expecting a video screen, I was at least hoping for a banner with the band name. Only there was no trace of any stage design. Before I could think about it any further, the gray soup closed again and I had no choice but to turn to the singer again. Lynn Gunn and her music were such a stark contrast, as were the fans in the audience. While her songs were powerful and scream-along, Lynn herself was an almost shy but sweet person. She didn’t give many speeches, but still seemed close to the fans. For example, she repeatedly responded to audience calls (fan: can I be your mom? Lynn: yes I will be your momma). She also spent most of her time at the front of the stage. And she even paid a visit to the fans at the barricade.

Lynn herself not only sang, she accompanied many songs with a guitar. But no matter whether with or without an instrument – ​​she always moved across the stage at a leisurely pace. In general, I expected more action from her. The fans gave their all physically, but Lynn seemed almost stiff at times. Their music is absolutely wild with songs like “Senti-Mental” and “Monster”. with the old fan favorite “st. Patrick”, who had actually already retired, the arena was shaken by the audience. Only for the encore “My House” did Lynn finally come out of her shell. Where was this level of energy before? I was also disappointed when I noticed how much the “live music” was based on existing recordings and backing vocals. I would have liked to have heard Lynn’s voice more clearly, because it is impressive. But even if the evening wasn’t entirely smooth, it was an atmospheric show. My conclusion is that it’s worth going to a concert every now and then where you don’t know the artist that well. Because her albums have been playing on a loop for me since that evening.

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