Home » Knoll – As Spoken – HeavyPop.at

Knoll – As Spoken – HeavyPop.at

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Knoll – As Spoken – HeavyPop.at

by Oliver on February 2, 2024 in Album, Heavy Rotation

As Spoken: Knoll With their third work, they not only fulfill the promises that they made with them Gap (2021) and Metempiric (2022) – because, plunging into the pitch-black depths beyond grindcore, they reinvent themselves to a great extent.

With the surprise (which somehow just seems like a logical, consistent development decision) that the quintet from Tennessee has now completely translated their funeral grind over long stretches into a kind of blackened disso-death (grind), and often of all things Portal instead of Full of Hell or Fawn Limbs can serve as the first reference size, burst Knoll After a dark ambient intro in the title song, it stands out almost immediately: the blast beats tack, the riffs scrub, psychotically sawing, hurling themselves stomping like a swarm of bumblebees in the apocalypse.
Offering It then briefly slows down to a slow, downward flowing stream, but ultimately escalates quickly, hissing at a crazy, manic pace, before it does Wept Fountain between modes Fast and Irrwitzig waltzes. The mood is black, Knoll have allowed their forms of expression to mutate once again.

If the pounding Revile if Light first overtakes itself as a maelstrom and then rears up in saxophone fever, this is equally reminiscent of the approaches of Metempiric how to demonstrate that Knoll This time evolution shows a much more radical consequence. Fittingly, the Americans push themselves into an avant-garde, doomy extreme here, in which the guitars become a nightmare surface and the drums oscillate in a schizophrenic trance manner before diving into a claustrophobic sea.
As Spoken flows as if from a single source, combining its elements captivatingly at every moment with an atmospherically dense homogeneity, forcing an urgent dynamic with bared-toothed aggression that even allows for the relative pauses for breathing (such as the harsh ambient binding agent Utterancethe Pharmacon – without electronics – will be liked just as much as the wheezing Dylan Walker or Ethan Lee McCarthy) maintains an oppressive pull.

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The band never seems indecisive. Almost every adjustment proves to be fruitful before the precise, infernal Techgrind double is finished Fettered Oath and Shall It Be an almost too abrupt expulsion occurs, although the record’s compact running time is more of an accommodation that keeps the tension high than a draining burden.
Regardless of whether Mereward massive and nasty to the sludge, the dissonance sways with stoically repeated motifs to spit out a musty bulge, or the suite Guardian Bind, Unto Viewing and Portrait from the drone scrubbing of the black metal distortion, a practically seamless flow to a threatening, evil and majestically bubbling slow motion into the chaotic whirlwind, and the excess yelps and whines back again: this takes a toll, makes you want more, but exhausts you not complete. And although Knoll never seem to fully get along between the chairs of black metal and grindcore As Spoken still always something definitive Something that goes beyond the snapshot and can get to the onion-like core of this eclectic, assimilating band more than its two predecessors.

As Spoken by Knoll

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