Home » Langenauer, former coordinator of Independiente: “There are people specialized in attracting vulnerable children”

Langenauer, former coordinator of Independiente: “There are people specialized in attracting vulnerable children”

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Langenauer, former coordinator of Independiente: “There are people specialized in attracting vulnerable children”

Fernando Langenauerformer coordinator of the Independiente pension, analyzed the mode of operation of the trafficking networks in the world of football and regretted that the complaint for corruption of minors in the club has not advanced. “There is not a single detainee and she is not remembered in any media,” he said in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV and Radio Perfil (101.9).

Do you find similarities in the recently discovered pedophilia network and the situation that was experienced in the Independiente pension?

What caught my attention was that the case came to light just five years after we made the complaint. There are similar featuresespecially in what has to do with the recruitment of girls and boys in vulnerable situation.

He mode of operation I understand that it is also similar, they contact minors through their social networks.

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Why does it happen in these places that are run by minors, such as a television channel, a soccer club, or a church?

I worked for eight years in the world of soccer and, when the IndependentI had never imagined that such a situation was possible. But I was soaking up the subject, I learned that these things have been going on for more than 40 years and that it is a taboo subject that nobody talks about.

I have had to closely follow the process of medical and judicial protocols, accompany the boys who were victims together with their families and also the rest of their classmates. It strikes me that five years after the cause there is no not a single detainee. There is no new regulation of the AFA, it is not remembered in any media and the cause was totally freezada.

When we talk about vulnerability, the most concrete example of soccer are the boys who, through scouting They come to the clubs from humble places and houses, and the first thing they see are the First Division players, who they are surrounded by an absolutely material world: cars, expensive clothes, tattoos, among other things.

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These people who are looking for these guys are very clear about these kinds of things. Luckily, Independiente listened to me and made the complaint as an institution, but other clubs did not do the same.

It seems that what is in common in these cases is that they take advantage of an illusion.

Totally. There are people specialized in attracting vulnerable children, playing with his illusion. I don’t have much knowledge of the Corazza case, but I closely follow the cause of the club.

Romanian Iutch (RI): Did you receive messages from family members recounting situations similar to those experienced by the Independiente boys or, on the other hand, threats from those who felt exposed by the complaint?

I did not receive any type of threat, but yes, after the complaints we made, many of the boys received intimidating messages again. Some clubs, like Racing or Boca, and First Division footballers have sent me messages of support.

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Andrea Bisso (AB): A few days ago I had the opportunity to speak with Ulises Jaitt and we remembered the participation of his sister Natacha in the Mirtha Legrand program, where she gave a list of people who allegedly were part of a pedophilia network. Ulises told me that it was convenient that they take care of Marcelo Corazza so that the same thing that happened to his sister does not happen to him, who was finally found murdered after his statements. How do you analyze everything that is being mentioned in these last days?

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I remember that our complaint was colored by a political situation very particular that was lived at that time, with the conduction of moyano in Independiente, who was faced with Macriand everything took on a very large dimension.

The only thing that was clear to me is that at that moment my job was to be close to the footballers and the family. When I found out what was happening and was able to work on it with my team, we thought about how we could create that trusted channel so that the boys come to tell us what they were experiencing, since a topic like this is very modest. At that moment I realized that there were no greys: o denounced or was an accomplice.


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