Home » Last weeks of CASACOR 2023; check out the highlights

Last weeks of CASACOR 2023; check out the highlights

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Last weeks of CASACOR 2023;  check out the highlights

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In the 36th edition in São Paulo, CASACOR presents architecture and design professionals, trends and references

CASACOR 2023 is a hands-on experience in the world of architecture, landscaping, art and design. Its route is a journey through decades, climates, smells and sounds, which sometimes takes you away from the city and sometimes immerses you in it. The theme chosen for the 36th edition was “Corpo & Morada”, with the idea of ​​rescuing the importance we give to our home and addressing issues that are more current than ever, such as sustainability and inclusion.

For the 2nd consecutive year, the show is located at Conjunto Nacional, on Avenida Paulista, a landmark of modern architecture in the city. Building designed by David Libeskind, with a mix of occupancy that includes residential, commercial, service and leisure. The ground floor transitions between the public and the private with ease and its concrete access ramps also mark the unique identity of the building. Just go up to the 2nd floor to find the show’s ticket office, which occupies a total area of ​​11,000 m² in the building.

trends of the year

Walking through the 74 spaces, it was possible to notice some trends to keep an eye on. The color palette that prevailed in the spaces is that of earthy tones: brown, sand, ochre, caramel, terracotta, coral, among others. A lot can be seen in the compositions, objects, furniture and wall paintings, these warm, cozy tones and countless times mixed with each other.

Architects Suite Space. Photo: Camila Barbieri Space by Stephanie Ribeiro, Gabriel Ramires and José Carrari Filho. Photo: Camila Barbieri

Beds with larger upholstered edges replaced the recamiers that used to be at the foot of the beds. Some with edges so wide that they become benches, others that become support for trays and other objects.

Suite Space Arquitetos showing the bed with upholstered edge, curved headboard and earthy tones. Photo: MCA Studio

Straight lines left the scene and made room for sinuous lines. Curves were seen a lot at CASACOR, especially when talking about sofas and armchairs. They were also seen on kitchen countertops, bed headboards and objects.

Space by Guilherme Torres office. Photo: Camila Barbieri Altera Architecture environment with curved sofa. Photo: Camila Barbieri

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As far as objects are concerned, a notable trend is the presence of ceramics. Vases, crockery and pots with asymmetrical shapes composed perfectly with the earthy tones. On coffee tables or shelves, we often find acrylic boxes with paintings, sculptures, embroidery, phrases and hand objects. In living rooms and bathrooms, straw and natural fiber baskets add a rustic touch to the decor.

Environment Casa da Ceramista by Flavia Burin and Bruna Moretti. Photo: Camila Barbieri Space by Rafa Zampini, also with ceramic pieces in earth tones. Photo: Camila Barbieri Work by Liara Marcello using the collage and embroidery technique in an acrylic box. Photo: Marcella Maksoud

Woven or lattice ceilings were used in different ways in different spaces, such as under the lighting with tensoflex in the environment of Casa LG, or under a linen fabric as in Casa Essência Duratex. The element breaks the coldness and brings warmth to the environment.

Bedroom at Casa Essência Duratex, with a latticework lining in Duratex Nogueira Florida mdf. Photo: Camila Barbieri Checkered structure lining with tensoflex lighting on top. Photo: MCA Studio. Living room in the Erica Salgueiro office with a trellis ceiling. Photo: Camila Barbieri.

Featured Environments

Navarro Architecture

The architect’s idea was to create a contemporary Minas Gerais house. Casa Araxá mixes contemporary design with steel works by the artist Amilcar de Castro and objects related to the architect’s affective memory, such as an old typewriter and a rocking chair belonging to his grandfather. The abundant landscaping in the space calms the eyes of those who pass through there and harmoniously composes with the tones of the space. The bathroom also has a lot of charm with a transparent partition in fluted glass and a composition of mirrors on the countertop wall.

Bathroom partition in fluted glass and rocking chair in the space designed by Navarro Arquitetura. Photo: Camila Barbieri Sig Bergamin

The Deca space is a celebration of the 30 years of partnership between CASACOR and the brand, leader in the vitreous china and metal sector. The environment is signed by Sig Bergamin, architect responsible for the first Deca space in the 1987 edition. The history of the brand and its key pieces are present in the composition, combined with a sensory experience to sharpen the senses with special aromas, an engaging soundtrack, soft lighting and elaborate landscaping. The architect brought more than 10,000 species of plants to the environment, transforming the space into an oasis in the middle of the city. With circular cutouts dividing the route through the environment, we find several “windows” among the vegetation that frame the Deca space, as if they were contemplative scenes.

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Espaço Ciclos Deca, designed by Sig Bergamin. Photo: Camila Barbieri Paola Ribeiro

Casa Essência Duratex is one of the environments that most stands out at CASACOR. There is a charm and a great duality and balance in the space. With a ceiling height of 4.90 meters, the architect managed to create a grand and cozy environment at the same time. In the same way that he uses more classic elements such as a boiserie, he mixes it with a contemporary work of art of painting on handmade paper with colored acrylic boxes, by the artist Marcelo Catalano. A low lit niche that embraces the living room brings books and design and decoration objects to life. The kitchen is completed with a suspended cellar that takes advantage of the high ceilings. As for the bedroom, the creation of a trellis on the ceiling superimposed with fabric creates an intimate and welcoming environment, as every bedroom should be.

Living room Casa Essência Duratex. Photo: Marcella Maksoud Photo of the kitchen in Paola Ribeiro’s setting, with a curved bench and suspended wine cellar. Photo: Marcella Maksoud. ARQTAB and Maycon Fogliene

Casa do Ser is a loft designed by the ARQTAB office in partnership with the architect Maycon Fogliene and proposes a reflection on universal design. An inclusive project that democratizes the environment through practical and adaptable solutions for people of any age, including people with permanent or temporary disabilities. Solutions range from lower benches and shelves, smart bed and accessible bathroom, to the project plan in Braille, all with the aim of eliminating possible physical and attitudinal barriers. The project represents this year’s CASACOR theme, ‘Corpo & Morada’, by “promoting the home as a space where people can be who they are, with their limitations and possibilities”, says Audrey Carolini from the ARQTAB office.

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Floor plan in Braille. Photo: Marcella Maksoud Casa do Ser. Photo: Camila Barbieri Paulo Azevedo

Did you know that there is a secret bar at the end of the route? An environment designed by Paulo Azevedo, the speakeasy is reminiscent of hidden bars very common in Europe and the United States. The pure cyan blue color was the main starting point and is present in the prints developed by the office, in the armchairs, carpet and even in the lining of the environment. With colorful works of art by the artist Fernando Burjato on the mirrors, armchairs and rounded tables and indirect lighting by lamps, the space conveys an intimate and melancholy atmosphere.

Speakeasy in cyan blue tone, by Paulo Azevedo. Photo: Camila Barbieri

There is no shortage of references at this year’s CASACOR, be it color palette, decorative objects, furniture design or even ideas on how to design in a more inclusive way. Don’t miss the chance to get to know these and other spaces and get lost in the smallest details of each environment.

Enjoy the last weeks of the 36th edition of CASACOR. The exhibition will be open for visitation until the 6th of August. Open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 12:00 to 22:00. Sundays and holidays, from 11 am to 9 pm.

Marcella Maksoud is an architect and urban planner and photographer who graduated from Centro Universitário Belas Artes in São Paulo.

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