Home » Mercury Retrograde Begins: Prepare for Delays and Complications

Mercury Retrograde Begins: Prepare for Delays and Complications

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Mercury Retrograde Begins: Prepare for Delays and Complications

Mercury, the planet associated with communication and ideas, has begun its retrograde path today, August 23. This movement will bring complications and delays, so it is advised to slow down and be prepared to overcome any inconveniences.

For Aries, the retrograde in an earth sign may lead to confusion in material ambitions and potential mistakes in important financial transactions or documentation. It is important to pay close attention to account balances and ledgers to avoid missing any transactions.

Taurus individuals may face delays in seeing their loved ones and friends due to the retrograde. This period encourages them to review their feelings and address any love conflicts that have been ignored. Using garlic to cleanse negative energy may be helpful.

Gemini individuals will experience tensions and unexpressed anger from the past few months coming to the surface during this retrograde. It is important to be mindful of communication within the family group and potential conflicts. Caution is advised for real estate transactions, as there may be delays, loss of documentation, or deception.

Mercury’s retrograde in Virgo will influence Cancer individuals’ thoughts and ability to express themselves. Misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships may arise due to the difficulties in effective communication.

Leo individuals may face complications in their economic endeavors during this retrograde. Delays and complications in financial matters, such as receiving deposits or negotiating credit card interest rates, are possible. It is advised to be cautious of theft, fraud, or loss of cash during this period.

Virgo individuals will strongly feel the delays and postponements caused by the retrograde in their own sign. This may lead to doubts in decision-making and difficulties in communication. It is important to avoid making promises that cannot be fulfilled.

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During this retrograde, Libra individuals may experience increased moments of introversion and emotional instability. Reviewing past situations and decisions may lead to a sense of being overwhelmed. It is important to avoid getting caught up in excessive thoughts and self-doubt.

Scorpio individuals may encounter communication problems and misunderstandings during this retrograde. Issues with email, internet connection, and cell phones may arise. It is advisable to review daily agendas and meeting attendance. Previously avoided work-related difficulties may come to light during this period.

For Sagittarius individuals, tensions and disagreements related to work that have been hidden may become visible during this retrograde. It is advised to be cautious about sharing confidential information and avoid spreading incorrect information.

Capricorn individuals will experience intensified thoughts and self-reflection during this retrograde. It is important to not get entangled in excessive ideas and conjectures. Tensions in long-distance relationships may also surface during this period.

Aquarius individuals may face difficulties and tensions in financial and banking agreements that were not well clarified during the retrograde. Issues with debts or taxes may also arise. Using a red bean amulet may help attract abundance and prevent shortages.

Pisces individuals may find that difficult subjects they have avoided discussing will come to light during this retrograde. Misunderstandings, problems, and mistrust may arise due to hidden information. It is important to address these issues and have open communication.

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