Home » Metides – Erebus

Metides – Erebus

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Metides – Erebus

(c) Metide

Structures are there to be broken up. Seem like that or something like that The Mets to see their musical approach. The quartet from Bergamo, Italy, heartily and audibly believes little in predictability, even for a genre as diverse as post metal. After an EP and an album, they now want to take this challenging and fascinating approach to the extreme. „Erebos“ uses mythological darkness as a metaphor for the (creative) confrontation with the unknown.

An eleven-minute waits at the start and offers ominous noise and an infernal jumble of voices: “Acheron” seems to welcome the underworld with open arms and takes almost two and a half minutes to get going. But then it goes fast when thick, maximally distorted guitar walls in addition to monolithic drums and aggressive, hoarse breach vocals rear up in the doomy area. Doom is knocking and has accompanied its sheer delight in madness with minor caesuras, almost psychedelic shifts in sound emphasis and raw, booming catharsis.

It was almost conventional by Metide standards, while tracks like “Erebos” and “Cocytus” work with noise, with industrial and some synthetics. In these shorter episodes, alienation reigns supreme, and the song becomes a makeshift term at best. In the insane “Styx” at least comparable elements find their way and enrich the actual sound. Slightly clearer vocals and sublime heaviness gradually turn into distorted rage tests, as thunderous as they are erratic, before at some point everything collapses in the swamp and capitulates.

Welcome to the heart of confusion: even by Post-Metal standards, Metide turn the screws really hard. Of course, you first have to be able and willing to get involved, but it’s definitely worth it. Between challenging experiments and majestic orgies of destruction, “Erebos” delivers a fresh approach that dissects and reassembles the familiar with growing enthusiasm. Noisy, bulky and brute, but also somehow hymnic and fascinating: the ominous energy of the Italians radiates massive fascination and definitely wants to be experienced.

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Rating: 8/10

Available from: 07/07/2023
Available through: Black Lion Records

Website: www.metideband.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/metideband

Tags: erebos, metide, post metal, review

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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