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New images of violence in a nightclub in Nueva Córdoba

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New images of violence in a nightclub in Nueva Córdoba

Fernando Báez’s crime marked a before and after in the history of our country and demonstrated that there is a problem that has not yet been resolved: Violence in nightclubs is an increasingly frequent phenomenon. Young? protagonists.

In the first months of 2023, several cases of violence were registered in Córdoba and in the country. The year began with the death of a teenager in Jesús Maria: he received a bottle on the head near the José Hernández Amphitheater.

A look, an insult or a push can trigger a true “pitched battle”all this under the influence of alcohol or some drug.

According to a report carried out by the Observatory of Addictions and Problematic Consumption of the Ombudsman’s Office of the Province of Buenos Aires, 78.7% of adolescents begin to drink alcohol between 12 and 15 years of age. Besidesthe report detailed that 1 in 10 adolescents (10.79%) drink more than five drinks/beers in a short period of time to get drunk more quickly.

New fights published on networks

This weekend, through social networks, different images were disseminated, which would date from this weekend, of a brutal fight in a bowling alley in Nueva Córdoba. In the videos, you can see a group of young people “to the pineapples” inside the establishment.

Kicks to the head, punches, bottle blows and insults can be seen in the material posted on Twitter and Tik Tok. “He killed him, he killed him,” a young man is heard saying in the middle of the dispute. One of the protagonists was left unconscious on the ground.

The fight then moved to Dalmaso Larrañaga street, a few meters from Plaza España, where members of the Córdoba Police finally intervened. The neighbors denounced that this type of confrontation is frequent and that the night “is a lack of control in Nueva Córdoba and the surrounding areas.”


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