Home » San Francisco Resident, 86, Finds Inspiration in Falun Gong Founder’s Article

San Francisco Resident, 86, Finds Inspiration in Falun Gong Founder’s Article

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San Francisco Resident, 86, Finds Inspiration in Falun Gong Founder’s Article

San Francisco Resident Finds Inspiration in Article by Falun Gong Founder

SAN FRANCISCO – Yu Xinbai, an 86-year-old resident of San Francisco, was deeply moved after reading an article published by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong. Titled “Why Are There Human Beings,” the article explores the origins of humanity and the purpose of life.

Yu Xinbai expressed his admiration for the article, stating that it made him realize that the world was created by a higher power. “I believe in the Creator, who is omnipotent and the king of kings. It is the Creator who created all human beings and created this society,” he said.

Reflecting on the article’s discussion on greed and unethical behavior, Yu Xinbai firmly believes that such actions only lead to negativity. He expressed that the purpose of being reborn as humans in the next life is to eliminate sins and improve oneself.

“People come to this world to be saved, to wait for the creator to save the world and come to be human,” Yu Xinbai expressed repeatedly while praising the article.

However, he highlighted that many individuals in society focus solely on personal gains and losses, often disregarding the welfare of others. While Yu Xinbai acknowledged the importance of caring about oneself, he emphasized the need to avoid infringing on the interests of others or harming them.

Regarding the article’s mention of karma and reincarnation, Yu Xinbai affirms their existence. He believes that good deeds are rewarded while wrongdoing carries consequences.

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The article also encourages individuals to lead a morally upright life by engaging in good deeds, showing kindness, and helping others. Yu Xinbai confessed that it is challenging for people in this world to consistently uphold such virtues due to the constant presence of mistakes and wrong practices.

As a solution, he stressed the importance of continuous self-improvement and kindness. He also emphasized the importance of respecting God, ancestors, and the previous generation as a fundamental aspect of life.

Yu Xinbai highlighted the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance as essential for the recovery of human morality. He expressed strong support for Falun Gong and participated in the anti-persecution parade organized by Falun Gong practitioners in San Francisco, condemning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its mistreatment of Falun Gong practitioners.

Having personally experienced persecution during his youth, Yu Xinbai identified with the pain suffered by Falun Gong practitioners. Determined to stand up for truth and justice, he shed tears at the anti-persecution rally and asserted that it was his social responsibility to speak out against the CCP’s cruelty.

Yu Xinbai’s understanding of Falun Gong aligns with their principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, emphasizing sincerity, kindness to others, and forgiveness.

In his view, the work of Falun Gong is not only for the betterment of society and mankind but for the future as a whole.

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