Home » Sergio Ávalos case: the owner of the bowling alley and 19 other people will be charged 20 years after his disappearance

Sergio Ávalos case: the owner of the bowling alley and 19 other people will be charged 20 years after his disappearance

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Sergio Ávalos case: the owner of the bowling alley and 19 other people will be charged 20 years after his disappearance

June 14, 2023 marked 20 years since the disappearance of Sergio Avalos, the young man who was last seen at a dance venue in Neuquén. In the coming weeks, the federal judge of Neuquén, Gustavo Villanueva, is expected to charge the owner of the Las Palmas bowling alley and 19 people in the investigation into the forced disappearance of the university student.

Ávalos, a native of the Neuquén town of Picun Leufú, was in the first year of his degree as a Public Accountant when he disappeared at the Las Palmas dance hall in the city of Neuquén. It was June 14, 2003.

That night he had gone to the place with other colleagues, who lost sight of him inside the premises and were the ones who reported his disappearance to the family.

The bowling alley where Sergio Ávalos disappeared.

20 years without Sergio Ávalos: the young man from Neuquén who disappeared in a bowling alley that will reopen its doors

The investigation has been under the charge of federal judge Gustavo Villanueva and the Neuquén prosecutor’s office for ten years. The main hypothesis used is that The members of the bowling alley’s security beat him, killed him and made him disappear.

A few years ago, the investigation had a breakthrough when it was proven that the guarding of the bowling alley was carried out by active personnel of the Army and the provincial police. The complaint verified that the military continued to be active and in high ranks, as did the police.

“Present”: 20 years without knowing the whereabouts of Sergio Ávalos.

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“We have no doubt that those responsible are primarily the owners of the bowling alley,” said the lawyer in the case.

The plaintiff lawyer Sergio Heredia said in dialogue with the agency Telam that the federal judge summoned 20 people for investigation, including the owner of the bowling alley, Pedro Nardanoneand security personnel.

Hearings will begin in mid-February. “We are very happy. A very good job was done with the prosecution, it was very exhaustive and we have been taking testimony until recently,” said the lawyer about the case, which until now had no defendants.

“Today the judge is certain based on evidence, and so is the prosecutor’s office, that the incident occurred inside the premises,” he explained, adding: “We have no doubt that those responsible are primarily the owners of the bowling alley.”

Relatives and friends of Sergio Ávalos have complained about his disappearance for the last 20 years.

However, he clarified that they will make presentations to “expand” the case because for the complaint “there are more people involved.”

“The key fact in all this was that the military could not carry out security tasks. That is prohibited by law and that already means non-compliance on the part of everyone.including from the Municipality, from the Police,” said Heredia, and pointed out that “this was fully accredited in the case with the statement of police officers who handled what is the issue of additionals.”

Those involved, the lawyer estimated, will be charged with “forced disappearance of people.” “The crime at this moment is being carried out, because while the body does not appear, the crime is being carried out,” explained the lawyer and noted that he hopes that the suspects will be arrested due to the seriousness of the crime, “given the time that has elapsed.” and given the cover-up that occurred.”

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