Home » She took her son to the LCF and became a judge; the story of Florencia Colrat and “I am a woman, I am not afraid”

She took her son to the LCF and became a judge; the story of Florencia Colrat and “I am a woman, I am not afraid”

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She took her son to the LCF and became a judge;  the story of Florencia Colrat and “I am a woman, I am not afraid”

Florencia Colrat is not going to forget this 2023 anymore. The judge of the Cordobesa League debuted in the First B in Youth from the Comercial neighborhood – Defensores Juveniles, she went to First and closed it by being the judge of the Córdoba Women’s Cup that Juniors and Institute, in the Emeterio Farías stadium. As an assistant she added the final, Truckers-School in Institute and also

“The truth is that I am very happy for the year I had. I thank the League for the opportunities we had. In reality, the chance that he gave all of us women. To my companions. She covered the women’s and men’s matches. I also thank the arbitration entities, the CAFUCC. The best was the debut in Primera B. From there it was pure progress. From there, I climbed. It was the best thing that happened to me. The women’s final was what crowned the year,” Colrat commented.

“In that B game we had to overcome nerves and anxiety for the game to go well and cleanly. He wanted to do everything right. It was a sum of things that made that game special. It was the first step to a successful year. It was my first match as head judge. I had several as assistants, but it is not the same responsibility. The rival teams already knew that it was my debut. That helped a lot. They collaborated a lot,” added the judge who also had her first matches in Primera A.

-Do you have to be more severe in matches with men or women?

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-In the feminine. In the men’s game, the players are calmer. Because they see a woman and see that the treatment is different. They respect you more. On the other hand, a woman knows that we are all up to the task because we want to continue growing. The treatment is more fluid.


“I am a woman, I am not afraid…” says one of the posts on her Instagram. She applied “Flower” to her career, which she began in a particular way. She began to accompany her little son to the games he played in the Cordobesa League. That was just her relationship with football.

-Why are you a judge?

-For my son. She had accompanied him to a game and I saw that there was an assistant judge. She had never seen a woman in football. Until then, football was going to see my son and nothing more. It was not understanding the faults, nothing. I just supported him. My relationship with football was scarce. And from that moment, I informed myself and started taking the referee course. I was able to do it. I made a decision that opened a different world to me.

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