Home » Solution to Eliminate Acne Scars with Erha Ultimate Short Treatment

Solution to Eliminate Acne Scars with Erha Ultimate Short Treatment

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Solution to Eliminate Acne Scars with Erha Ultimate Short Treatment

Solution to Eliminate Acne Scars with Erha Ultimate Short Treatment

I felt tired and annoyed, my mother’s face had acne again and what made me sad was that the black marks were difficult to remove. Mom hasn’t had care for a long time, because it’s difficult to manage when her little one is still a toddler, you can imagine the hustle and bustle hahaha.

So, if you have time, immediately arrange an appointment at Erha Dermatology, Aeon Tanjung Barat Mall, which happens to be close to home, and mommy will also look for her children’s school needs.

The causes of acne are different for each person, so the way to care for your skin when you have acne and get rid of it is certainly not the same. These differences are influenced by various factors such as skin type, lifestyle, cleanliness, hormones and others.

Program Erha Ultimate Acne Center

For this reason, mom is very interested in the program offered by Erha, namely the Erha Ultimate Acne Center, which according to mom is very personal because we can consult with satisfaction, get to know your skin type so you can treat acne completely and of course make your skin much healthier.

Another reason that mom chose the Erha Ultimate Acne Center program was so that she could be more focused and not waste time or try this or that skincare, she could get rid of acne until the black spots faded. So these are the short and precise steps that mom goes through to say bye bye acne.

Why Choose the Erha Ultimate Acne Center Program?

Mom doesn’t realize that when she stays at home, and neglecting to care for her facial skin can cause skin health problems, one of which is acne. Apart from food with excess oil, dairy food and an unhealthy lifestyle, not maintaining facial hygiene can also cause acne and this is what mommy feels.

After just using skincare, mom felt that the results weren’t visible enough, mom came to Erha to get rid of acne with the Erha Ultimate Acne Center program. What are the special features?

Erha Ultimate Acne Center has 3 plans, namely Product Plan, Basic Plan and Advance Plan, which are tailored to consumers. This plan is supported by the 5C concept, namely Clear Program, Clear Plan, Clear Skin Goals, Clear Duration and Clear Cost. For the Clear Program, consumers can choose a program according to their skin conditions and needs.

Erha Ultimate Acne Center Program, Helps Get Rid of Acne Completely

Because I’ve been to Erha several times and it really suits me, Mom went back again. Friends who are visiting for the first time don’t need to worry because the service is friendly and helpful, so as visitors or patients and Erha staff are equally comfortable. Directly directed to scan the barcode for registration.

The Erha Ultimate Acne Center treatment program that Mom chose is a guide that aims to eliminate active acne, whether mild, moderate or severe. By taking the No Acne No Cry Program, it will help overcome the active acne problem that mom is experiencing.

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To determine whether your mother’s acne is mild, moderate or severe, first of course consult a doctor.

After entering, go straight to the receptionist and express your desire to visit or need for treatment. Just schedule a consultation with a doctor first.

After explaining that there was an Erha Ultimate Acne Center program, mom chose the No Acne No Cry Program and according to mom, it was more personal and targeted, so the package of actions or medicines provided was also optimal with prices adjusted to your needs. According to Mum, it is more economical because it is adjusted specifically to solve acne problems.

Momih likes the Erha clinic at Aeon Mall Tanjung Barat, the location is quite strategic and spacious. Moreover, the doctor’s schedule is also extensive and can be adjusted to our routine or busy schedule.

Mom, I’m very happy that we can report when we follow the treatment stages at Erha, so you can depend and ask questions directly via WA.

Doctor Consultation

After registration and initial screening, mom was immediately directed for a consultation first. Previously, mom had also made an appointment with Dr. Hendy Pratama so you don’t have to wait long. I really liked that during the actual consultation, I was asked in detail about my mother’s skin health history.

It’s true that mom’s skin is very dry, it looks dull, so if you don’t treat acne, it will get worse, and of course it will look unhealthy. After analyzing mom’s skin carefully, the doctor recommended doing the Ultimate Radiance treatment with magic glow drops along with using a series of prescribed facial cream treatments.

This treatment and skincare series functions to reduce excess oil, remove layers of dead skin, treat and prevent acne, reduce inflammation, remove black spots from acne scars and overcome blockages in skin pores.

Action Soft Peeling & IPL Network from Ultimate Radiance with magic glow drops

Mom was advised to do ERHA Ultimate Radiance with magic glow drops, after analyzing the skin it looked dull due to excess oil and acne scars. The cause of acne that mom is experiencing is hormonal, related to still taking contraceptive pills and is made worse by sleeping at night (staying up late) and eating less regularly. The results are similar to stress and acne, for this reason ERHA Ultimate Radiance with magic glow drops is a skin treatment that is carried out in two actions, namely the action of combining the latest technology, namely

microdermabrasion which has micro crystals sprayed during this process has a rough texture to scrape off layers of dead skin cells

and IPL (intense pulsed light) uses light with varying wavelengths, of course this action can remove dead skin cells so that they are brighter, glowing & smooth.

soft peeling using Microdermabrasion and IPL Technology.

Before the procedure, the patient is also explained in detail and we also have the right to really ask questions as a whole, and also explain the lifestyle we have been living all this time because it has a big influence on skin health. Technology Microdermabration is an action soft peeling which is done using a machine called pristine, where in this machine there are diamond crystals whose job is to remove dead cells that accumulate on the surface of our skin. Benefit from technology microdermabrasi is to remove dead skin cells and cleanse the skin of blackheads without having to do a facial first.

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According to Mamih, this stage is very comfortable and there is no pain like manual facial extraction. At the time of action soft peeling with technology microdermabration This is just like we are cleaning our face, but it feels like the skin is being pulled a little because we are using a tool like a vacuum about the size of a pen and gently sucking out dirt and blackheads.

Before the procedure is carried out, the doctor will show you clean cotton which will be inserted into this tool called pristine. Pristine begins to be applied to the skin, then the doctor makes movements such as rubbing Pristine up and down and left and right on the surface of our skin. It feels like a small pinch with a sensation like being vacuumed but it doesn’t hurt too much. Its function is to remove dead skin cells and use crystals to make the skin texture even.

For certain parts such as the forehead area and smile line, the prinstine will be moved along a line that can cause or appear wrinkles on the skin. The areas where there are lots of blackheads on mom’s face are around the chin and mouth, not so much on the nose. Because pimples appear on the face only on the chin, but the scars are very annoying and haven’t gone away.

The next action with IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology is therapy Skin care is carried out using high intensity xenon lamp light. Benefit from therapeutic action This makes the skin smooth, soft, bright, cleans the pores and makes the skin glow perfectly to rejuvenate skin tissue, increase collagen production and prevent premature aging and wrinkles on the skin.

Before the procedure is carried out using IPL technology, the patient’s skin will be given gel first and the eye area will be covered with special glasses to protect the eyes. Then the machine is turned on, and the doctor gives the signal to start treatment with an IPL lamp that is shot onto our skin. According to mom, it feels a bit hot and dazzling but it’s still comfortable because there’s no pain.

The IPL lamp is fired several times over the entire facial area, therapist The doctor who helped also turned on a small fan and then directed it at Mom’s face, which was done to minimize the feeling of heat and burning.

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After finishing my skin felt a little hot and burning, Dr. Hendy asked and checked what did you feel? Because it feels warm and there is a tickling feeling, immediately apply gel to help soothe the skin. After applying it, Mom felt that her skin felt cooler and more comfortable.

Microdermabrasion and IPL procedures are each completed in just 20 minutes, so to get treatment at ERHA Ultimate Erha this time, mom only needs to spend around 30 minutes.

Erha Ultimate Radiance with magic glow drops has many benefits that can be felt instantly by mom, followed by skin care with the following benefits,

1. Instant Brigthening dan Glowing

2. Shrink pores

3. Overcome the problem of acne scars

4. Removes dead skin cells and evens out skin tone

5. Clean the skin from stubborn blackheads

Ultimate Radiance treatment with magic glow drops is a skin treatment whose results are immediately visible in 1x treatment with a light peeling action, we can also carry out our activities as usual. Patients who undergo this treatment are allowed to use makeup again 2 hours after treatment. Patients are allowed to carry out outdoor activities, it is important not to forget to use sunscreen every 2-3 hours.

Use of Skin Care

After coming and having a consultation, Mom also redeemed the prescription for regular use and you can’t be lazy anymore. So there is indeed a target to hope for and hope that active acne will start to improve.

Each person’s treatment cream is different, so this is very personal, determine your skin type and problem first. So it’s best to consult first so that the use is correct and the results are maximum.

Results after following the Erha Ultimate Acne Center program?

In the future, Mom’s homework is to diligently use cream, maintain cleanliness and also make her diet healthier. So that acne and blackheads will erode too. Because when healthy skin will experience good regeneration, dead skin cells will disappear, blackheads can rise and also disappear along with dead skin cells being replaced with healthier skin.

How much does it cost? For problems that mom is experiencing, it’s still under 2 million rupiah, complete with personal skincare. It does vary depending on the type of cream used, the level of the problem and also the type of treatment. But it’s really worth trying. Compared to using cream that is not clear, buying it repeatedly and not seeing the results, the expenditure will be greater, huhuhu.

Come on, hurry up and call or come directly to the nearest Erha clinic in your city, and always be enthusiastic because healthy skin will also come if we can take care of it properly and be patient.

If you want to know more information regarding ERHA Ultimate, you can contact WhatsApp at 0811-2121-2121. You can also check his Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/erha.dermatology or his TikTok at https://www.tiktok.com/@erha.dermatology. Also visit the website at https://erhaultimate.co.id.

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