Home » Strait Love: Celebrating Cross-Strait Music at ‘I Sing My Hometown to You’ Awards Ceremony

Strait Love: Celebrating Cross-Strait Music at ‘I Sing My Hometown to You’ Awards Ceremony

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Strait Love: Celebrating Cross-Strait Music at ‘I Sing My Hometown to You’ Awards Ceremony

The “I Sing My Hometown to You·Strait Love” online collection and selection event for cross-strait music works has recently announced its list of winners after nearly a year of screening and selection. With 28 works making the cut, the grand awards ceremony is set to take place at Xiamen University on April 20, where musicians from both sides of the Taiwan Strait will come together to celebrate their shared love for music and their connection to the Strait.

Guided by the Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China and sponsored by various organizations, including the Chinese Musicians Association and the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, this event aims to bring together Chinese music lovers from all over the world. By using music as a medium, the event showcases the beauty of both sides of the Taiwan Strait, highlighting the rich culture and history of the region.

This year’s event received nearly 600 entries from across society, with winners selected through a combination of online voting and expert review. The winning entries encompass various categories, including student group, dialect group, Chinese group, and “outstanding songs” works, reflecting the diversity and talent present in the music scene on both sides of the Strait.

Through their music, the award-winning artists explore the theme of hometown and Strait love, capturing the essence of what these concepts mean to them. The event’s organizing committee will soon showcase the winning songs, inviting listeners to experience the heartfelt emotions and musical talents of the artists involved.

As the event draws near, anticipation is high for the grand awards ceremony, where musicians and music lovers alike will come together to celebrate their shared heritage and love for music. Stay tuned for more updates on this cross-strait music extravaganza!

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