Home » The CCTV drama “The Splendid Season” starts, Wang Fanggang plays the leading role of the male No. 1 – Qianlong.com.cn

The CCTV drama “The Splendid Season” starts, Wang Fanggang plays the leading role of the male No. 1 – Qianlong.com.cn

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The CCTV drama “The Splendid Season” starts, Wang Fanggang plays the leading role of the male No. 1 – Qianlong.com.cn

Source title: CCTV drama “The Splendid Season” starts, Wang Fanggang plays the leading role of the leader of reform

Directed by Meng Liang and starring Wang Fang and Li Ma, the realistic drama “The Splendid Season” has been launched in Lanxi, Jinhua. In the years of wind and cloud, he is the leader who holds up the sky for the workers.

The play tells the story in the early 1990s, when the engineer’s father who worked in a machinery factory committed a major economic case, the factory’s son Jiang Zhongshi, a pilot, was shattered and became a fitter in the workshop; Facing the difficulties of system reform, he and his “enemy” Yuan Xiaoxia, who is also a child of the factory, worked together to overcome the difficulties. After ten years of trials and hardships, he finally turned hatred into true love. Wang Fang, a powerful actor who has performed brilliantly in many film and television dramas, leads the starring role, and interprets Jiang Zhongshi, a technician in a machinery factory who is strong, optimistic, empathetic, and daring to take on heavy responsibilities. won a bright future. CCTV dramas have always been strict in the selection of male protagonists. Jiang Zhongshi in this drama is also a leader of the times with age spans and changes over the years. He needs actors not only with solid performance skills, but also profound cultural heritage. , rich life experience, can perfectly fit this character. This time, Wang Fang also did detailed script analysis, character analysis and other desk work before the filming started, making full preparations for the filming.

The reason why he was locked as the male lead of a CCTV drama is inseparable from Wang Fang’s always full of enthusiasm for acting and his never-ending persistence. In recent years, his hit dramas have continued, and he has excellent performance and achievements in both film and television directions. In the youth growth movie “Blue Pleated Skirt”, Zhou Yang, the “bad boy” he plays, is impressive. The rebellious ruffian’s long hair and wild and outgoing personality seem to make many people find the shadow of their student days. ; And in “My Hometown and Me”, “Animal World” and other high-box office films, he also contributed wonderful performances. In the TV drama market, he is even more of a “sweet pastry” in big dramas. He has performed well in popular dramas such as “Trident”, “Three-Eighth Line”, “Happiness Knocks on the Door” and “My Years in France”.

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In addition to realistic dramas, his roles are also very different, from the hidden identity of the People’s Liberation Army “Da Fuzi” in “Sesame Hutong”, to the youth “big back” Cui Tiejun in “Trident”; from youth inspirational military dramas Guo Laoyao, the tough guy platoon leader in “Blood Warriors”, to Fan Junyao, the ultimate villain “Big Cousin” in the popular online drama “River God 2”, and the urban romantic comedy “Hello, My Orange Lover” Fu Yang, the weird genius in “, has different themes and very different characters, which fully demonstrates his strong ability to shape characters. Especially in the online drama “River God 2”, his upright and heroic image and the well-placed interpretation of the villain’s big boss are eye-catching. In the sequel to the TV series, adding new characters to the protagonist group will often attract criticism and protests from fans of the drama, but Wang Fang’s Fan Junyao, a “transition student” who is affectionate and righteous and cherishes his motherland, has been recognized by the audience. With his love, he made the audience feel the charm of Fan Junyao’s role with his excellent acting skills.

Since his debut, actor Wang Fang has created countless successful roles. Just as he said: “Being able to experience different lives in dramas, not every profession has such an opportunity, I enjoy and cherish it very much.” Years of experience in the Beijing Military Region’s Comrade-in-arms Repertory Theatre has also given him a deeper understanding of roles while possessing good acting skills and a solid professional foundation. It is by virtue of his professional attitude to meticulously study and empathize with the characters, as well as his determination to portray each character well, that Wang Fang can dedicate many film and television works with good reputation, excellent production and high ratings to the audience.

It is reported that the TV series “The Splendid Season” has been successfully launched. I look forward to the reform leader played by Wang Fang, who will tell us a heart-warming story in the turbulent years of the changing times!

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