Home » The economic empire that Berlusconi leaves: shares, film producer, soccer club and luxury properties

The economic empire that Berlusconi leaves: shares, film producer, soccer club and luxury properties

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The economic empire that Berlusconi leaves: shares, film producer, soccer club and luxury properties

The death of Silvio Berlusconi inaugurated a period of uncertainty and speculation regarding the economic horizon of the emporium that he founded throughout his 86 years.

Indeed, the actions of MediaForEuropea media group owned by Berlusconi, they climbed this Tuesday by +7.38% on the Milan Stock Exchange. The market anticipates a change of course for the company that could be accompanied by succulent benefits.

For his part, since Fininvest, the family holding company, rushed to issue a statement to calm the waters. Through a letter, they promised that the “activities will continue in the line of absolute continuity in all aspects,” according to AFP.

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The businessman was ranked third in the Italian fortune ranking, with €6.4 billion (6.800 million dollars). The big question is what will happen to that heritage.

His empire will survive without Silvio Berlusconi as it managed to ensure a transition between the generations that was planned before,” Andrea Colli, a professor of business history at Milan’s Bocconi University, told AFP.

Who’s who in the Berlusconi clan

Marina Berlusconi He has held the presidency of Fininvest since 2005 and of Mondadori publishing house since 2003. It’s about the tycoon’s eldest daughter Of the media.

She is 56 years old and has been on several occasions on Fortune magazine’s list of the 50 most influential women in the business community globally.

Silvio Berlusconi, the man who reinvented Milan and changed Italian football, has died

The second in command is Pier SilvioMarina’s brother and currently in charge of the Mediaset company, another firm that integrates the extensive list of the empire of Silvio Berlusconi.

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It should be noted that the brothers were born in the first marriage of the Italian politician with Carla Dall’Oglio. Each one holds the 7,65% of Fininvest’s share package.

Il Cavaliere had three other children with Verónica Lario, whom he divorced in 2010. Luigi, Eleonora and Barbarathe minors of the family, have the 21.42% of the family holding.

All the women of Silvio Berlusconi, Italian “il Cavaliere”

The juicy inheritance that the children of Silvio Berlusconi will divide

Regardless of the financial holdings of each, the five heirs of Silvio Berlusconi they should divide the 61.21% of Fininvest shareswhich was in the hands of the former president of Forza Italia.

According to what was reported by AFP, Berlusconi’s assets cover the 53.3% of Mondadorihe 30.1% of Banco Mediolanumthe film producer Medusathe football club Monz and various real estate and luxury vehicles.

It remains to be known if the division of assets will take place in a context of harmony or if the brothers will resort to Justice to resolve any differences in criteria.


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