Home » The Galapagos National Park confirms avian influenza in the analysis of dead birds on several islands

The Galapagos National Park confirms avian influenza in the analysis of dead birds on several islands

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The Galapagos National Park confirms avian influenza in the analysis of dead birds on several islands

QUITO (AP) — The Galapagos National Park confirmed on Tuesday that, after the first analyzes of a group of dead birds on several islands, the presence of avian influenza was detected. Ecuadorian authorities decided to activate biosafety protocols and close several tourist sites.

The director of the national park, Danny Rueda, said in a sort of internal interview recorded on video and sent to the media that “it is unfortunate news since our birds are endemic, native” and announced that they will “maintain permanent monitoring.” in places where affected or sick birds have been detected.

He specified that the outbreak corresponds to H5N1 avian influenza, a deadly infection for birds, but must be confirmed by new laboratory analyses.

Many of these species are unique to the islands, among them are cormorants, tufts, lava gulls and lesser herons, among others.

The Galapagos Islands are recognized worldwide and attract an important national and international tourist flow due to their unique flora and fauna species in the world. They were declared in 1979 as a Natural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

The park director added that the first action is to close the visitor sites on the Genoese, Spanish and San Cristóbal islands and carry out more severe disinfection processes for clothing and footwear, as well as disinfect public places. The first two islands have no human population and the third has just over 6,000 inhabitants, but it is one of the main tourist destinations. It also has an airport.

Among the dead and sick birds sighted are Nazca and red-footed boobies, which are part of the 78 species of birds in the archipelago.

In November 2022, more than 14,000 birds, mainly pelicans and boobies, died off the coast of Peru from avian influenza, prompting the country to declare a health emergency. Ecuador later detected a focus of contagion on a farm in the central mountains, where more than a million poultry were slaughtered.

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Species such as boobies, frigate birds, seagulls, swallows, finches, among others, live on Genovesa Islands, with a surface area of ​​14 square kilometers, and Wolf Islands, with an area of ​​1.3 square kilometers.

Galapagos, considered a wildlife sanctuary, is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 1,000 kilometers from the Ecuadorian coast, whose species inspired the English scientist Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of the evolution of species.

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