Home » The “operative outcry” began for Wado de Pedro in the Conurbano

The “operative outcry” began for Wado de Pedro in the Conurbano

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The “operative outcry” began for Wado de Pedro in the Conurbano

The Minister of the Interior, Edward “Wado” of Peterled this Monday, May 22, a meeting in which the national deputy maximum kirchner and mayors of the 1st and 3rd electoral section of the province of Buenos Aires. The meeting took place days after the May 25 event that will be led by Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

The meeting took place at the “Leonardo Favio” Audiovisual Production Center located in the Buenos Aires town of Quilmes, at a time when the national official is shaping up to be one of the presidential candidates of the Frente de Todoswith the wink of the head of the Senate.

From the operative outcry for Cristina Kirchner to a unity square that seeks to preserve its centrality

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the Ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Scioli, among other leaders, are already preparing for the race to define the ruling party’s tickets. However, De Pedro is the one who has the closest profile to hard Kirchnerismwhich makes the most militant sectors enthusiastic.

Of the meeting more than 20 mayors participated: Mayra Mendoza (Quilmes); Andrew Watson (Florence Varela); Mariano Cascallares (Admiral Brown); Julius Pereyra (Florence Varela); Fernando Moreira (General St. Martin); Richard Curutchet (Mark Peace); Julius Zamora (Tiger); Ariel Sujarchuk (Scouring); Karina Menendez (Burlock); Mauro Garcia (General Rodriguez); Gustavo Arrieta (Cannabis); Juani Ustarroz (Mercedes); Albert Barefoot (Ituzaingo); Gaston Pomegranates (Ezeiza); Frederick Achaval (Pillar); Nicholas Mantegazza (St. Vincent); John Fabiani (Admiral Brown); Gerard Tarchinale (Indian Point); Fabian Cagliardi (Berisso); Jorge Ferraresi (Hazelnut); Luke Ghi (Moron); Gustavo Menendez (Burlock); Mariel Fernandez (Brown); Fernando Espinoza (La Matanza), and Leo Nardini (Argentine Falklands).

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“We shared a meeting in Quilmes with compañeras and compañeros mayors and leaders of the 1st and 3rd electoral section of the province of Buenos Aires, in view of the mobilization of May 25 to accompany Cristina Kirchner. See you Thursday at the Plaza!“, called De Pedro on his social networks.

During the event, the Minister of the Interior paraphrased the Vice President: “As Cristina said very well, you have to take the quarterback’s baton”. And he added: “It seems to me that it is good for Argentina to refresh a little and that new generations appear, in the fields of business, the media, in the union. I think it is very good that some generations move and that some emerge new things.”

“We want him to be the next president”: union support for Pedro’s “Wado”

After the act, De Pedro held a meeting at night with the authorities of the Workers’ CTA led by Hugo Yasky, at the headquarters at 1000 Piedras Street, in the San Telmo neighborhood of Buenos Aires. At the trade union level, the official also has the support of one of the CGT’s referents, the gastronomic Luis Barrionuevowho strengthened his relationship with the camporista leader despite maintaining an anti-Kirchner position for years.

In this sense, last week both shared a photo again at a union congress in Mar del Plata. “We want him to be the next president of the Argentines“, Barrionuevo said during the ceremony. “I think it’s the best and it has an awareness of the country and what it means to be oil, gas, fields, mining, livestock, lithium, gold. In this country we need politicians who think about the country,” continued the gastronomy chef, praising the official.

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The rapprochement between the two occurred in the midst of a pandemic, when the Barrionuevo union was left as one of the most affected by the quarantine. Faced with this problem, he decided to abandon his strong anti-K profile and obtain state aid to prop up the activity at a time when restaurants and hotels had to close their doors.

If De Pedro’s candidacy continues to prosper, it is possible that within the CGT also reap the support of the most K sectors, like the Federal Current led by banker Sergio Palazzo. For his part, it is still a question mark if he will have the support of the more traditional sectors of the central incarnated in the “fat” and “independents”, who have already made it known that his favorite is Massa.


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