Home » “They are talking horrible things about me,” said the main suspect in the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski

“They are talking horrible things about me,” said the main suspect in the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski

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“They are talking horrible things about me,” said the main suspect in the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski

César Sena, the main suspect in the femicide of his wife, Cecilia Strzyzowski, in Chaco, He targeted his former lawyer and assured that he is “afraid” for his life.

“Mr. Prosecutor: I am César Sena. I am accused in this case and I found out because I heard that (Juan) Díaz (his former lawyer) who was my defense attorney and that of my entire family is appearing in all the media and he’s talking horrible things about me”, starts the letter released by TN.

“I am afraid for myself and I hold this person responsible if something happens to me”, also added the accused of the crime of the 28-year-old girl, who until now remained missing.

The letter was released after the lawyer Díaz resigned from Sena’s defense due to “irreconcilable differences” with the accused.

“I think he is guilty and that Cecilia’s bones can be found”, affirmed the lawyer in statements to the Chaco Newspaper.

Díaz considered that “the crime was not premeditated at the beginning, (although) it was already when he wanted to hide”, while he indicated that he has no doubts about the authorship of César Sena in the crime, although he did not establish it in terms of his parents. , the social leader Emerenciano Sena and his wife Marcela Acuña, who are also detained.

“César yes, regarding the others I have my doubts. With the progress of the investigation… yes, we can talk about participation, but not yet to what degree, ”he said.

Femicide in Chaco: a detainee provided key information

The Justice carried out the search for Cecilia Strzyzowski in a property in the Chaco town of Puerto Tirol after the statement of Gustavo Melgarejo, one of the detainees who worked as a landlord for the Sena family, in the framework of the case that is being investigated as a femicide.

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Melgarejo testified that the night Cecilia disappeared, she saw her employers arrive in a van. to a property that is about 15 kilometers from the establishment they own.

One of the hypotheses is that there the body of the young woman would have been crematedwho is the wife of Cesar Seineson of the piquetero leader Emerenciano Seine and of Marcela Acunathe employers of Melgarejo who are detained, accused of the alleged femicide of Cecilia.

Remains of blood that would be from the victim

Last night it was learned, according to sources close to the investigation, that in the place They found traces of blood that would be from the victim.

The specialized experts from the Judiciary began their work early in the morning in an area that is 10 kilometers from Puerto Tirol to find the body of the victim. In addition, another simultaneous search was carried out in a central apartment.

Around 8:00 p.m., and after several hours at work, the agents came across traces of the victim’s blood. The same They would have been found scattered throughout the property, including on a butcher’s sawreinforcing the hypothesis that it would have been dismembered.

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