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They beat him to steal his cell phone and a neighbor helped him

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They beat him to steal his cell phone and a neighbor helped him

A violent event took place this Friday in the city of Córdoba. A group of thieves accosted two boys who were returning home. One managed to escape, the other was beaten by the gang until he managed to take shelter with a neighbor.

It happened on Juana Manso Street, in the western area of ​​the Capital. There, two boys under the age of 18 were returning home when they were approached by a group of young people who tried to steal their belongings.


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The criminal group was made up of between five and seven people. When approached, one of the boys escaped before being attacked. The other was beaten by the gang.

As shared by Cadena 3, the thieves hit him with a stick in an attempt to steal his cell phone. A neighbor alerted the situation and intervened to help the boy.

“I was in the bedroom of my house and I heard someone screaming for help,” he told the radio station. As he left her house, he saw the victim being beaten with a stick.


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It was there that Marta, the neighbor, began to yell at the thieves: “leave it! It’s just one against all of you.” When the boy saw her, he did not hesitate and ran to her wife’s house.

The attackers chased him and tried to enter the house. They did not succeed and, as Marta added, they also hit her daughter with a stick when she tried to close the door of the place.

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Before leaving, the thieves knocked on the door and the blinds. Finally, they escaped after the woman told them that she would call the police.

The victim’s family filed a complaint. The neighbors reiterated their request for greater security due to the fear of encountering this criminal gang.

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