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They talked about Milei and her proposals

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They talked about Milei and her proposals

This Thursday the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association, Journalists, Union members and Human Rights leaders, participated in a meeting that sought to “vindicate Hebe de Bonafini.”

The activity aimed to vindicate the leader De Bonafini through an imitation of her fight to “resist fighting the future government and in defense of the role of the public media.”

As part of the march, a member of that organization, Carmen Arias, read a speech by Bonafini three days before the first anniversary of his death: “It is true that we must resist, but we must resist by fighting. You have to fight all the time. We cannot remain silent, nor still, nor sitting, nor bitter, nor crying.”

45 years after the first round of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo

Arias brought the words that Bonafini gave in another round of Mothers on October 26, 2017, after the electoral victory of Mauricio Macri. In this regard, the leader linked the Macri scenario with the current one after Milei’s victory in the recent presidential elections.

“Resistance and combat are rights of the people that we are not going to abandon, because this square is resistance and combat,” Arias took up Bonafini’s words and left a message for the present: “Now and every time they try, not pass. Until next Thursday”.

In dialogue with the Télam news agency, Arias stated: “We miss Hebe very much but equally as long as one remembers her, no one leaves and we keep her so present that every thing we are going to do we think about what Hebe would say. She remains our lighthouse, our guide.”

Meanwhile, the general ATE-Capital union leader, Daniel “Tano” Catalano, claimed that this political force “calls on our youth to carry out horizontal violence against those who think differently” and pointed out that their presence in the Plaza of May was to say “to the colleagues of Télam, to the colleagues of National Radio, to the colleagues of Public Television, to my co-workers of the National State, to the colleagues of private companies; “We are here to put our bodies, to go out and fight.”

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46 years have passed since the first round of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo

The manager of Journalism and Digital Content of Télam and former director of Tiempo Argentino, Gustavo Cirelli, stated that after the victory at the polls of the libertarians “an uncertain stage is coming” but, he said, that for “that uncertainty we have the certainty of our convictions to face the impossible.”

“Talking about Hebe is love and an example of the struggle of Mothers,” he added about Bonafini, and asked that when you have “doubts” you must “always follow the Mothers’ handkerchief.”

The life of Hebe de Bonafini: a historical struggle with controversial positions

Regarding the statements by LLA leaders about their intention to “close” or “privatize” public media, Cirelli remarked: “A stigmatization campaign has been coming for a long time.” Furthermore, he criticized that “there is a euphemism going around that privatization is” and considered that this measure is a “plan to silence public media.”

The general director of AM530-Somos Radio (the Mothers’ radio), Daniel Rosso, questioned that LLA “does not just want to privatize the State and the economy, it wants to privatize all aspects of life to make the community and the public” and assessed that “that is why they are going against the public media and that is why they are going to persecute the popular media.”

Who participated in the round in Plaza de Mayo

The Mothers made their round N°2380 accompanied by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel; Father Francisco “Paco” Olveira; the Buenos Aires legislator and restored granddaughter Victoria Montenegro; the organizing rector of the National University of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (UNMA), Cristina Caamaño, and the actor Víctor Laplace; among others. Also in the square was the member of Madres de Plaza de Mayo Línea Foundadora Nora Cortiñas.

The members of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Arias and Josefa “Pina” Flores led the march taking refuge in umbrellas from ATE and the Mothers’ Association, and due to the intense heat they walked around the Pyramid of Mayo, where they have been hanging around every week since on April 30, 1977.

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Social organizations placed their flags around the May Pyramid to accompany the Mothers. There were the Latin American Socialist Left (Mapuche group), the Argentine Revolutionary Movement (MAR), the Teresa Rodríguez Movement (MTR), the Territorial Liberation Movement (MTL), the Socialist Left, the Workers’ Party (PTS), the Polo Obrero , the Workers’ Party.

Also the Center of Lawyers for Human Rights, Espacio Puebla, ATE, Survivors of Terrorism Self-convoked, among others.

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