Home » Tips for Dealing with Burnout through the #FullyForMothers Campaign

Tips for Dealing with Burnout through the #FullyForMothers Campaign

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Tips for Dealing with Burnout through the #FullyForMothers Campaign

December 22, which is celebrated as Mother’s Day is celebrated to honor the figure of a mother, as a protector and caretaker of the family. Whether you are a mother with a career or just a housewife, a mother can always be the mainstay of the family, but a mother also needs attention and protection from those around her.

Do you know that apart from physical health, we also have to take care of our mental health, especially for a mother whose work is endless at home and at the office. Realizing it or not, a mother often experiences burnout. However, how one can react to it is the main point in dealing with the challenges they experience.

Because of this, Hansaplast, as a leading first aid brand that has accompanied Indonesian families in treating wounds for almost 100 years, used the Mother’s Day moment to raise issues and tips for overcoming Mommy Burnout in the #SeFullnyaUntukIbu campaign.

Hansaplast Supports Mothers Providing First Aid Against Burnout Through the #SeFulluhUntukIbu Campaign

Mommy Burnout is a condition in which a mother is physically and mentally exhausted due to the responsibilities of her various roles as a wife, parent, and the place where the family stands.

Until now, there are no realistic and real tips to help mothers get through this period. Suggestions such as doing self-care may not necessarily answer the needs of mothers who are experiencing Mommy Burnou, because the triggering factors vary from individual to individual.

dr. Mesty Ariotedjo, Sp.A, Pediatrician, Founder of @entanganakofficial, & Mom Influencer shared her experience, “As a mother, I feel that I have to be strong in carrying out my responsibilities for my family. Sometimes they are reluctant to ask for help from others because they don’t want to bother other people. On the other hand, I also want to continue to have self-actualization. With so many responsibilities I have, sometimes I experience stress and physical and emotional exhaustion but I am well aware that a happy mother is important for the development of children. Therefore, with the many roles that I play, it is very important to ensure a support system from my husband and closest family as a way to deal with mommy burnout. One form of parental love is to fully match the child’s growth and development so that the child has the ability to explore, but on the other hand the rapid exploration has the risk of making the child hurt. So it is very important as a parent to prepare 2 things, namely the first is a first aid kit and understand the first aid steps for children and families. In principle, wound care for children is to clean the wound with running water or an antiseptic to prevent infection, protect the wound from dirt and bacteria with plaster or gauze. It’s important if the wound looks deep and the bleeding doesn’t stop, take the child to a health facility immediately.”

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Hansaplast understands that part of the Mommy Burnout problem is the mindset that mothers have to do everything alone, therefore Hansaplast presents the #FullyForMother campaign which aims to involve their husbands and mother’s support systems such as family and friends, to help mothers get through this period.

The husband is the first support system and becomes the pillar of restoring the strength of the mother figure as the protector of the family. Hansaplast wants to invite husbands and support systems to understand and recognize the signs of Mommy Burnout, with advice from experts and also input from husbands who know tips on supporting mothers who are going through this moment.

Psychologist Grace Eugenia Sameve, MA, M.Psi explained, “As the closest person, husbands have a very important role to play in helping their wives or mothers carry out various roles in their daily life. The first step that can be taken is to increase understanding or sensitivity to the mother so that the support given is appropriate, for example by paying attention to whether there are situations that might be a burden to the mother, for example: is the mother having a work deadline or is the child having trouble eating, and so on. In addition, try to observe whether the mother looks different from usual, for example yawning more often, looking sad or easily provoked by emotions. At the same time, the husband should try to build a culture of communication with his wife or mother where if needed, the husband can ask clarifications or questions. The husband’s small actions that suit the mother’s needs mean a lot not only to help the mother complete one of her tasks, but can also support the mother’s welfare because the mother becomes more convinced that she is never alone.

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One example of daily acts of care that a husband can do is to take responsibility for ensuring the availability and completeness of First Aid Box supplies at home. Moreover, injuries can happen to family members anywhere and anytime. The First Aid Box at home must be checked for completeness regularly. Is it complete? Are any products expired? Make sure there are also wound care products to aid recovery, such as Hansaplast Wound Ointment and Hansaplast Scar Plaster.

Hansaplast with Bacteria Shield
Hansaplast with Bacteria Shield

As a first aid brand that has existed in Indonesia for a long time, Hansaplast does not only look at wound healing from the physical side, but also considers the emotional side. Hansaplast wants to help mothers and their families overcome the “wound” of Mommy Burnout as a problem of modern life. Restoring a mother’s health and happiness means helping to free her from both physical and emotional scars.

Hansaplast Wound Ointment is a multi-purpose ointment containing pure petroleum jelly and additional ingredients such as Panthenol and Glycerin to nourish and soothe the skin and accelerate wound healing and help minor wounds heal 2x faster and with a lower risk of scarring. Hansaplast Scar Plaster is a transparent self-adhesive plaster made of polyurethane, and has been clinically proven to help disguise, brighten and smooth the appearance of scars within 8 weeks of use where the first results can be seen after 3-4 weeks of use.

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