Home » To be a literary and artistic worker with a noble aesthetic pursuit-the second series of comments on the comprehensive management of the cultural and entertainment field_Xinhua News

To be a literary and artistic worker with a noble aesthetic pursuit-the second series of comments on the comprehensive management of the cultural and entertainment field_Xinhua News

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Objectively speaking, in recent years, excellent works of literary and artistic creation have appeared frequently, especially in the main melody film and television works, and the characters are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Movies “My Motherland and Me”, “Captain of China”, and “The Climber” became popular; Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in the TV series “Awakening Age”, Ma Defu and Li Shuihua in “Mountain and Sea Love”, and “Across the Yalu River” Revolutionary leaders such as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai, and a large number of heroes in the country are radiant and unforgettable.

People like these works because they have lofty intentions, bright themes, and exquisite art. The actors portray characters without gorgeous makeup, no artificial beauty, and no deliberate “cutting out”; the performance is simple and true, and the characters are outstanding because of their true colors. By the audience’s heartfelt love and praise.

While people are enjoying these high-quality cultural feasts, problems such as chaos in the “rice circle”, sky-high prices, and “yin and yang contracts” have been investigated. It is conceivable that the indignation from all walks of life is particularly strong.

A very important reason for the existence of these chaos in the entertainment industry is that some people’s literary and artistic aesthetics are wrong, values ​​are wrong, aesthetics are misplaced, and artistic concepts are disordered, which harms others as well as themselves.

Remediation is not an end, but a means. Fundamentally speaking, to rectify the bad tendencies of the industry and clarify the culture and entertainment field, the practitioners also need self-respect and self-love, self-discipline and self-improvement, and improve their quality and literacy.

For this reason, we appeal to be literary and art workers with noble aesthetic pursuits!


All the classics handed down from the world will inevitably embody beautiful thoughts and emotions, full of deep human care, and demonstrate a noble spiritual realm.

Starting from “The Book of Songs” and “The Songs of Chu”, ancient Chinese sages have regarded enlightenment as the highest state and important function of literary and artistic creation. Confucius said: “The Three Hundred “Poems”, in a word, said:’Thinking is innocent.'” Qu Yuan’s “Li Sao” contains strong patriotic sentiment and the spiritual pursuit of “I will seek from above and below”. Absolutely. Fan Zhongyan’s broad minds of “worries about the world first, and happiness after the world”, and Lin Zexu’s “life and death of a country, can we avoid misfortune and fortune”, have become the symbol of Chinese humanistic spirit for thousands of years, and it is the symbol of the nation. Value construction provides abundant spiritual nourishment.

It is undeniable that there is still a low spiritual level in the field of literature and art. The orientation follows the flow and the standard follows the market. The concentrated creation gives way to topical hype, and the pursuit of excellence is replaced by fans. Weighing by hand and weighing with money-oriented balances have created a lot of “literary and artistic garbage”, “cultural bubbles” and “entertainment noise”, distorting the original intention of literary creation, eliminating the educational function of literary works, and biasing the audience. It is the value orientation and aesthetic taste of young people.

Experts pointed out that the chaos in the “rice circle” and the pathological and extreme manifestations of the trend of “changing” are deformed and distorted in the values ​​and aesthetics passed on to young people. If things go on like this, it will pollute the entire social atmosphere, corrupt the entire social body and national spirit, and destroy an entire generation.

Comprehensive governance in the cultural and entertainment field is imminent!


All accomplished artists have lofty aesthetic pursuits. Their works give people a beautiful artistic enjoyment, give people a rich spiritual nourishment, and give people a profound life enlightenment.

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“People’s Artist” Guo Lanying, she sang “My Motherland”, “Nanniwan”, “People Say Shanxi is Beautiful” and other songs, which are popular among the people, portraying Xi’er in “White-haired Girl” and “Xiao Erhei Marriage”. Xiaoqin and other stage art images are dazzling, and they have made pioneering contributions to the establishment of Chinese national opera performance system and the development of national singing art.

Lantian Ye, the winner of the “July 1st Medal” and a performing artist, was once an underground worker of the party, who has been tempered and baptized in the brutal struggle against the enemy. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he once again demonstrated talent on the literary and artistic stage. He has successfully portrayed him in more than 70 dramas such as “Tea House”, “Beijing People” and “Home”, and in many film and television works such as “Aspiration” and “Fengshen Bang”. Many distinctive artistic images.

An outstanding feature of the older generation of literary and art masters represented by Guo Lanying and Lantian Ye is that they all have lofty aesthetic ideals, correct aesthetic concepts, and pure aesthetic tastes. This not only allowed the artistic image they created to profoundly affect several generations, but also greatly extended their artistic life and became an art legend that people talked about.

In contrast, some latecomers in the entertainment industry did not earnestly inherit the ideological realm and aesthetic style of the older generation of artists, but tried to take shortcuts, seek quick success, and dream of becoming famous overnight and getting something for nothing. This is not in line with the socialist labor concept. , Does not conform to the law of growth of acting talents. Due to deviations in the aesthetics of literature and art, some practitioners do not tell right or wrong, do not ask right from wrong, do not know beauty and ugliness, and do not distinguish between smells and smells.

“Dangai” dramas were once flooded, and “CP topics” remained high on the hot search list. The bottom line is that some people tried to sway and obscure gender images, play ambiguously, and seek excitement, and induce eyeballs to follow the traffic. , “The three outlooks follow the five senses”, leading the public aesthetics astray.

The much criticized image of “mother cannon” makes the male character who should have been strong and powerful become naive, delicate, artificial, and evil. In some war-themed film and television works, the male protagonist evolves heavy makeup, wears Chinese clothes, and poses, turning the battlefield into a “showground”, which is astounding.

Some anti-Japanese dramas and “cutout” thunder dramas violated the basic logic of literary creation and tried to replace live performances with technical falsifications, fooling and deceiving the audience with excessive exaggeration and embroidering… Ridiculous and ridiculous” Tucao and boos.

Some acting stars’ private life topics have been dominating the screen for a long time. Which celebrity has a hot head, whose hair has changed color, whose pet’s hair is shed, who is married and who has left, who is fat and who is thin, etc., can all become The gimmick of earning traffic has become the “sweet 饽饽” of variety shows and network information.

Spending money on data, going on hot searches, becoming a regular routine of traffic stars, even in order to attract attention and make money, hesitate to bring minors to the show. All of these have really misled the aesthetics of young people and ruined the cultural and entertainment ecological environment.

Facts have shown that relying on deformed aesthetics, morbid marketing, and sideballs are all wrong paths and will only be spurned by the audience and their artistic life will be cut off.


Under the bright starry sky of the current prosperity and development of literature and art, these undercurrents are still surging, and it is embarrassing.

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The rapid popularity of the Internet in China is a microcosm of the development legend written by reform and opening up, and has made important contributions to the progress of Chinese social civilization and China’s better integration into the world. However, there are also some people who take advantage of the rapid spread of the network platform and the convenient characteristics of network communication to make waves and fight with dogs, and they are becoming more and more fierce.

Public opinion generally believes that the deep-seated reasons for the chaos in the “rice circle” are mainly social capital chasing profits, performing arts organizations colluding, and the loss of broadcasting platforms.

Every kind of “rice circle” chaos has its own logic. Crazy rankings for idols, irrational purchase of peripheral products, and fans tearing each other out for idols are all basic operations behind the scenes to create “traffic stars”; the so-called “face value is justice”, “idol supreme”, “just ask for loyalty and don’t ask. Right and wrong”, carefully crafted “personal design” is also the result of capital, platform, brokerage, and “fans” jointly creating momentum; the theme is determined by popularity, actors are selected according to traffic, and remuneration is paid according to appearance. The initiative to create is not in the authoring and directing. Platform and capital.

Regarding these acts that fundamentally violate the laws of literary and artistic creation, damage the aesthetic character of literary and artistic, and poison the ecological environment of literary and art, all sectors of the society are worried, and many parties call for strengthening rectification, strengthening capital supervision, and compacting platform responsibilities.

Many well-known film and television directors and literary critics advocate that to stick to the righteousness of literary art and aesthetic taste, celebrities should obey their roles, and their appearance should not override aesthetics. The standard of artistic beauty should be positive, rich, and diverse. Microdermabrasion requires hard work and true ability to interpret the role and shape the image.”

“People’s Artist” Wang Meng, famous director Ding Yinnan and other older generation artists, expect the younger generation of the literary and art circles to shoulder their responsibilities and run the relay race well, “maintain the dignity and character of literature and art, and cast aside and expel that kind of stupid, shallow and vulgar pseudo-literary art.” .

Young artist Huang Doudou said that he would devote more time, more energy, and more sweat to the stage and practice room, so as to dedicate more and better literary works to the audience.


The times call for artists with noble aesthetic pursuits.

A nation’s literary and aesthetic fashion is an important manifestation of the nation’s aesthetic spirit. The Chinese aesthetic spirit is an important manifestation of Chinese excellent traditional culture in terms of aesthetics, and contains the unique aesthetic experience, theoretical creation and practical summary of the Chinese nation for literature and art.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on literature and art work, “We must inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and carry forward and carry forward the spirit of Chinese aesthetics in accordance with the conditions of the new era.” Aesthetic style”.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the opening ceremony of the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association that we must persist in not forgetting the original, absorb the outside world, face the future, transform in inheritance, surpass in learning, and create more to reflect the essence and reflection of Chinese culture. Excellent works that Chinese people pursue aesthetically, spread contemporary Chinese values, and conform to the trend of world progress.

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In thousands of years of literary and artistic practice, the spirit of Chinese aesthetics has profoundly affected the aesthetic creation of writers and artists. It has cultivated and cultivated the aesthetic value, aesthetic habits and aesthetic orientation of Chinese people. It is inexhaustible and inexhaustible for literary innovation and creation. The source of living water.

The spirit of Chinese aesthetics insists on writing to convey the truth and writing to transform people. Our inheritance and promotion of the spirit of Chinese aesthetics is to unremittingly promote the core socialist values, unremittingly guide people to accurately understand and grasp the mainstream of social development, sound the horn of the times, and encourage people to move forward. Those who only write about one’s own sorrows and joys, those who ridicule the sublime, the nihilistic history, those who are out of the public and are addicted to the “rice circle” and entertain themselves, are all incompatible with our time.

The spirit of Chinese aesthetics pursues the truth, the good and the beauty. Our inheritance and promotion of the spirit of Chinese aesthetics is to promote the main theme, promote positive energy, and express this great era with heart and emotions, reflecting people’s true yearning, the call for goodness, and the desire for beauty; it is to use more moral and ethical Muscular and warm literary works show great love and beauty, and convey the power of upwards and goodness. Those who don’t ask right from wrong, don’t distinguish between smells, those who value the market too much and one-sidedly pursue traffic, those who are keen on low-level tastes and indulge in the vulgar aesthetics of “entertainment to death”, should be incompatible with the mainstream of our era.

The Chinese aesthetic spirit emphasizes vigor and realm. This is not only an aesthetic judgment of literary and artistic works, but also a basic requirement for the cultivation of the personality of literary and artistic workers. We inherit and carry forward the spirit of Chinese aesthetics, especially to learn from the ancient sages’ integrity, character and realm of life, “not to be weighed down by five buckets of rice”, not to be burdened by fame and fortune, and not to associate with vulgarity. Those who treat the entertainment circle as a vanity fair, flow as a guide, and “appraisal of ugliness” as a gimmick, fueling bad trends, and willing to be capital “puppets” will eventually pay a heavy price.

The Chinese aesthetic spirit advocates inclusiveness and inclusiveness. We inherit and promote the spirit of Chinese aesthetics, and we do not exclude learning and drawing on the world‘s outstanding cultural achievements. Chinese civilization has survived thousands of years, thanks to the learning spirit of learning and thinking together. Chinese ballets, national operas, movies, dramas, and oil paintings are all successful examples of the integration of Chinese aesthetic spirit with the world‘s outstanding cultural achievements. With emptiness, mutual learning and mutual learning, our literary and artistic works will better go to the world and the future.


We have seen that a situation in which multiple measures are taken to curb the bad tendencies of the entertainment industry has taken shape. A large number of old, middle-aged and young literary and art workers are faithfully fulfilling their original mission and consciously pursuing both virtue and art. They are the backbone and hope of China’s literary and artistic field.

We have reason to believe that in the Hundred Gardens of Arts and Entertainment, there will be more practitioners working hard to be artists with noble aesthetic pursuits.

“Guangming Daily” (September 07, 2021 01 Edition) Author: Guan Mingwen

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