Home » Veil Of Maya – [m]other

Veil Of Maya – [m]other

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Veil Of Maya – [m]other

(c) Paige Margulies

It took a little longer than planned until the seventh studio album by Veil Of Maya was in dry cloths, but the core border crossers are actually back with a new long player, five and a half years after “False Idols”. In the past few years, individual tracks have appeared again and again, which gradually introduced some electronics. Guitarist and founding member Marc Okubo explains this by attending a concert by the Australian dance formation Rüfüs Du Sol. You have to do a complete break in style „[m]other“ however, don’t worry.

The harbinger “Synthwave Vegan”, which was placed quite far behind, caused a lot of confusion when it was released last year, because djent elements were shot up by breakbeat and at the same time hinted at some rave esprit, but without completely breaking with the previous work. It doesn’t get any more extreme on the new record by Veil Of Maya. “Godhead” shows where the journey is going, briefly increases the Deathcore parts again without completely falling into old patterns. The quirky electro barrage in between harmonizes surprisingly well with the unruly track, which freaks out as enthusiasm grows.

The opening seconds of “Mother, Pt. 4” are played purely synthetically, plus there is quite lovely clear vocals. However, the possibly feared paradigm shift does not materialize here either. Once the waves have calmed down, the quartet strikes up a rough wrecking ball with rare melodic to hymn-like outliers. The nervous digression is correspondingly threatening and unpredictable. In the concluding “Death Runner” it is minimalistic electronic caesuras that loosen up the continuous fire and do it good. On the other hand, “[re]connect” and finds time for thrilling moments in between. Strong singing loosens up the hussar ride and burns in.

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One should certainly not expect revolutionary miracles from the Core veterans, and yet Veil Of Maya successfully develop their sound further. The use of electronics is really nothing new in djent and metalcore, but it has seldom worked as well as on “[m]other”. Someone has audibly thought about it here and set fresh accents that go wonderfully with their own sound. Veil Of Maya gets the fresh cell treatment really well and consolidates their sound on the usual high level.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: 05/12/2023
Available through: Sumerian Records

Website: veilofmayaband.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/veilofmaya

Tags: deathcore, djent, metalcore, mother, progressive metalcore, review, veil of maya

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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