Home » Video: Martín Tetaz launched a curious spot with his virtual version to the rhythm of Queen

Video: Martín Tetaz launched a curious spot with his virtual version to the rhythm of Queen

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Video: Martín Tetaz launched a curious spot with his virtual version to the rhythm of Queen

The national deputy of Together for Change, martin tetazlaunched this Monday, May 8, a particular campaign spot presenting its virtual version, which generated different reactions on social networks.

“I introduce you Martin Tetaz Virtual (M.T.V.) who will star in the second season of the Grand Conurba, denouncing the results of 40 years of Peronism in the suburbs,” said the radicalism legislator on his Twitter account where he accompanied the text with a video of just over a minute.

Thus Tetaz presents his virtual avatar that generated different comments on the networks, from laughter and support to rejection. Under the rhythm of the song Another one bites the dust of Queen“MTV” dances and moves with lyrics that contain criticism of Frente de Todos.

“Here comes Martín Tetaz”

“If you don’t make ends meet and inflation eats you up; they print pesos non-stop, damn corruption! See? This doesn’t change anymore. It’s time to progress. So you have to vote for someone who really knows,” he begins the single that continues the main beat of the song under the lyrics: “Here comes Martin Tetaz“.

And he continues: “He already knows what to do. There are no chamuyos here. Here comes Martín Tetaz. Enough improvisation! These guys don’t come back anymore.” “The pandemic was a horror, they did not know how to handle it. They live making excuses and forget to govern. Are you happy? Will you vote for them again? Or do you want a real change? Enough of the same as always. Argentina deserves more ” , expresses the single.

Martin Tetaz Virtual (M.T.V.)

“Here comes Martín Tetaz. He works for you. That’s why he studied. Enough of the power outages and in the super pay more.”

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The national deputy, who usually generates controversy and debate on his networks, has not yet confirmed which position he is going to run for, although he was one of the names that sounded like a radical candidate to compete for the governorship of the province of Buenos Aires.

“On 5/24, 7:00 p.m. MTV will explain how to eliminate inflation, by streaming and networks.” Tetaz promised.


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