Home » Which “Spider-Man” is the best? Tom Holland’s generous answer | Hypebeast

Which “Spider-Man” is the best? Tom Holland’s generous answer | Hypebeast

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Which “Spider-Man” is the best?  Tom Holland’s generous answer | Hypebeast

Since the 1980s, the superhero IP “Spider-Man” has released many film works so far. The most famous of these is the Tobey Maguire version of the “Spider-Man” trilogy, Andrew Garfield’s Marvelous Resurrection series and the MCU version of Peter Parker interpreted by Tom Holland, plus the animated film “Spider Universe Series”. There are more than a dozen Spider-Man movies handed down in the world. But have you ever thought about which “Spider-Man” movie do these former (or current) Spider-Man actors like most? Interestingly, the current “Spider-Man” Tom Holland recently gave the answer.

— “I think Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie ever made.”

Recently, Tom Holland generously expressed his love for the animated movie “Spider-Man: Parallel Universe” in an interview with the media. He said: “I’m so proud of everyone involved in that movie. After all, its producer Amy Pascal is like my mother. I was supposed to accompany her to the premiere of “Spider-Man: Cross the Universe.” Just put it off because I have a job. But I’m still incredibly proud of them and excited for the second Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, I’m sure it will live up to expectations and I can’t wait to see it! ”

In fact, as Tom Holland said, “Spider-Man: Across the Universe” has received a lot of praise since its release on Friday. In addition to the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes as high as 95%, it also won the title of IMDb’s highest-scoring hero movie.

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