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why it is celebrated every May 11

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why it is celebrated every May 11

1813 – ARGENTINE NATIONAL ANTHEM DAY. On May 11, 1813 the “Patriotic Song” by Vicente Lopez and Planes and Blas Parera was approved by the Assembly of the thirteenth year, constituted finally into our National Anthem.

Check everything published about anniversaries in La Voz.

When the Cabildo looked for a patriotic song for “the children to sing weekly and to sing at the beginning of theatrical performances,” they liked the one by Vicente López more than the one presented by Fray Cayetano Rodríguez with music by Manuel José García.


National Anthem Day: why is it celebrated on May 11?

Argentine National Anthem

“Approved by this General Assembly, the song that Deputy (Vicente) López has worked on by commission of this sovereign body on March 6, is considered the only National March, and must therefore be the one sung at all public events.” ”says the official document.

López, a lawyer by profession, asked Blas Parera, theater teacher at the Casa de Comedias, to compose the music.

On the left, Blas Parera (1776-1840). On the right, Vicente López y Planes (1784-1856). (MinuteOne)

However, the national song approved by the Assembly in 1813 is not the same one that is currently sung in schools and events, because in 1900 President Julio Roca removed some stanzas “written for transitory purposes.”

Thus the verses against Spain were left behind, which said, among others: “Don’t you see them over Mexico and Quito/ Throw themselves with tenacious viciousness,/ And how they cry bathed in blood/ Potosí, Cochabamba and La Paz?/ Don’t you see them over the sad Caracas / Mourning and crying and spreading death? / Don’t you see them devouring like beasts / Every town that they manage to surrender?

Roca resolved that only the first and last quatrain and chorus of the song sanctioned in 1813 should be sung.

May 11: 10 years since Riquelme’s last game in Boca

The attacking midfielder Juan Román Riquelme, idol of Boca Juniors fans and current leader of the club, plays his last game with the xeneize shirt. It was at the La Bombonera stadium, in a match with Boca’s victory 3 to 1 against Lanús.

The memory of Riquelme, three years after his last game in Boca

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Other anniversaries of May 10

1905 – CEFERINO NAMUNCURÁ. At the age of 18, the Salesian Catholic seminarian Ceferino Namuncurá, a popular saint in Argentina and the first Argentine Mapuche to be beatified, dies in Rome. A process is underway in the Vatican to be declared a saint after Pope Benedict XVI beatified him in 2007.

1927 – AMPAS CREATION. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) is founded in the American city of Los Angeles, the organizer of the Oscars, the highest award in the film industry.

1960 – ADOLF EICHMANN. Agents of the Israeli secret service Mossad kidnap the genocidal Nazi Adolf Eichmann in the Bancalari neighborhood of the Buenos Aires city of San Fernando, the reason for a diplomatic conflict with Israel. Eichmann was tried in Jerusalem, where he was convicted of crimes against humanity. He was executed on May 31, 1962 in Ramla prison.

Echoes of the mystery Adolf Eichmann

1974 – CARLOS MUGICA. The priest and social activist Carlos Mugica is shot to death after celebrating mass in the San Francisco Solano church in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Luro. The crime is attributed to the far-right gang “Triple A”, organized by the then Minister of Social Welfare, José López Rega.

Carlos Mugica. (Infobae)

1981 – BOB MARLEY. At the age of 36, Jamaican musician and composer Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley), leader of the band The Wailers, the greatest exponent of the reggae genre, dies in the city of Miami (Florida, USA).

Bob Marley

1984 – ABEL PINTOS. The Latin pop singer and composer Abel Pintos was born in the Buenos Aires city of Bahía Blanca, who has recorded twelve albums and has won 17 Carlos Gardel awards. He started his career at the age of seven.

Abel Pintos changed the life of an artist after his surprising appearance in a restaurant: “Experiencing crazy things”

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1995 – TNP VALIDITY. More than 170 countries approve the extension, for an indefinite period and without conditions, of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in force since March 5, 1970 and which only allows the possession of nuclear weapons to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China, members of the United Nations Security Council.

2022- CHANNEL 10. With its first broadcast in 1962, Channel 10 of Córdoba, of the Radio and Television Service of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), turned 60 years old.

2022- TERESA MADERS. Teresa Maders, sister of the Córdoba senator murdered in democracy, Regino Maders, died at the age of 90.


1544.- Francisco de Orellana’s expedition, the first to explore the Amazon, leaves from Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz, southern Spain). 1873.- Cuban War. Ignacio Agramonte dies in the fields of Jimaguayú for the independence of his country. 1911.- The French aviator and aeronautical builder Edouard Nieuport achieves the speed record in the air, reaching 120 kilometers per hour. 1927.- In California (USA) , the Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is founded. 1941.- World War II. London suffers one of the harshest air bombings by Nazi Germany. 1944.- World War II: the allied offensive in Italy begins. 1949.- The United Nations General Assembly admits Israel as a member of the UN. 1952. – José Remón wins the presidential elections in Panama. 1960. – The Israeli secret services kidnap the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires. 1976. – The Bolivian ambassador in Paris, General Zenteno Anaya, is murdered by two unknown persons, allegedly belonging to the Che Guevara International Brigade. 1981.- Costa Rica breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba.- The Spaniard José María de Areilza is elected by absolute majority president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 1984.- José Napoleón Duarte is officially proclaimed president of El Salvador.1985.- 53 people die when a stand at the Bradford City soccer field catches fire, in the north of England.1992.- General Fidel Ramos wins the presidential elections in the Philippines.1995.- The 178 signatory countries The UN extends the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) indefinitely. 1996.- Eight mountaineers die due to a blizzard while ascending Everest. There were two more deaths in the following days. 1997.- The Deep Blue computer defeats the world champion of the Professional Chess Association (PCA), the Russian Gari Kasparov, in 19 moves after a very serious error by him. 1998.- The India resumes its nuclear tests, after 25 years, with three explosions underground in the Pokhran desert. 2010.- David Cameron is appointed new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after the electoral victory of the Conservative Party.- 103 people die when a plane crashes plane of the Libyan company Afriqiyah Airways from Johannesburg at Tripoli airport. Only a nine-year-old Dutch boy survived.2011.- Europe signs its first legislation on sexist violence.2018.- The Italian justice system lifts the political disqualification of the former Italian prime minister and leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi.2019.- Called by LGTBI activists, the first unauthorized demonstration to take place in Cuba in decades is held in Havana.- Singer Julio Iglesias expands his legend by receiving an honorary Grammy in recognition of his successful career.

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1888.- Irving Berlin, American composer.1904.- Salvador Dalí, Spanish painter.1916.- Camilo José Cela, Spanish writer, Nobel Prize 1989.1928.- Marco Ferreri, film director, Italian.1932.- Valentino Garavani, “Valentino ”, Italian designer.- Francisco Umbral, Spanish writer.1942.- Irene of Greece, Greek princess, sister of Queen Sofía of Spain.1978.- Laeticia Casta, French model and actress.1984.- Andrés Iniesta, Spanish footballer. 1992.- Thibaut Courtois, Belgian goalkeeper.


1881.- Henri Fréderic Amiel, Swiss writer.1927.- Juan Gris (Victoriano González), Spanish painter.1946.- Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Dominican writer.1960.- John D. Rockefeller Jr., American industrialist, heir to his famous father.1981.- Bob Marley, Jamaican musician.1988.- Harold Philby, famous Anglo-Soviet spy.2002.- Joseph Bonanno, “Joe Bananas”, American mafia boss.2003.- José Manuel Lara Hernández, founder of the publishing house Spanish Planeta.

Source: own and agencies.

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