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“You don’t live connected to reality”

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“You don’t live connected to reality”

This Wednesday there was tension in Neura, from Multiverso Fantino, when the host and the panelist Sergio Figliuolo, better known as Tronco, were involved in a strong confrontation, which began as a result of a talk about politics.

“Everyone makes mistakes here. Massa, Milei, the journalists, the politicians… I believe that we must be 10 million Argentines who think the same and it seems to me that we have to go out into the streets,” Tronco began, calmly.

“No, come on… stop, you’re going to go to prison,” Alejandro Fantino tried to stop him. There, the panelist began to get upset: “If you keep cutting me I’m going to go to prison. If I can finish, once, a developed idea, I will not go to prison.”

“I have to take care of you,” Fantino insisted.

“Don’t take care of me. They think they are gods, the political class and many journalists…”, Tronco tried to continue and, for a few more minutes, he was able to continue with his idea. Although, as he advanced, the intensity of his tone increased. “I’m not a sheep, you don’t get anyone’s votes,” he said, speaking to politicians, in reference to the statements of leaders or parties in favor of Massa, Milei, or neither of the two, facing the runoff. At that, he uttered general insults.

Then Fantino encouraged him, others on the team laughed or remained silent, and Tronco continued with his defense.

The crossing between Fantino and Tronco

Moments later, he accused Fantino of “being in Narnia” regarding the reality of many Argentines. “You put me in a place where you know I’m not there. I follow you, but don’t throw that at me because you know that I am a guy who lives connected to reality,” the driver defended himself.

Tronco insisted: “No, you do not live connected to reality. Excuse me, but you don’t live my reality.”

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“You have a truck…” Fantino said, to which Tronco responded: “That’s a low blow. What I have is because I work 20 thousand hours a day. “On Saturdays I get up to work.”

“Me too? “I don’t work?” Fantino returned. “But I don’t throw that nonsense at you,” said Tronco. Faced with Fantino’s smile, he finally became angry to the point that he decided to withdraw from the study: “You have no idea what I’m going through.”

See below how the crossing went:

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