Home » Zheng Xinyi wears her mother’s family jewelry on the cover of fashion magazines | Shen Dianxia | NTDTV Online

Zheng Xinyi wears her mother’s family jewelry on the cover of fashion magazines | Shen Dianxia | NTDTV Online

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Zheng Xinyi wears her mother’s family jewelry on the cover of fashion magazines | Shen Dianxia | NTDTV Online

[NTDTV, Beijing time, November 03, 2022]35-year-old Hong Kong singer Zheng Xinyi recently appeared on the cover of a fashion magazine wearing ten million yuan (Hong Kong dollars, the same below) jewelry from the family of her mother Shen Dianxia (fat sister). (click to see photo)

Zheng Xinyi, 35, is the daughter of artist Zheng Shaoqiu (Qiu Guan) and the late superstar Shen Dianxia. Due to the blessing of her parents’ star halo, Zheng Xinyi has attracted much attention since she was a child. When Shen Dianxia passed away in 2008, she left behind a total estate of about 60 million yuan, including real estate, property and jewelry worth 30 million yuan. With rising prices and property appreciation, the estate is currently valued at more than 100 million yuan.

According to Shen Dianxia’s will, Zheng Xinyi, who was 21 at the time, must be 35 years old before she can use and control her mother’s estate. According to a friend, the “fat sister” arranged this to hope that her daughter would work hard and rely on herself in everything.

Zheng Xinyi recently shared the “October Digital Cover Story” on Facebook. When filming the covers of magazines such as the Hong Kong version of “VOGUE”, she talked about her personality, outlook on life, and outlook on love. In the camera, she looks more and more mature, quite the legacy of her younger version of Shen Dianxia. (click to watch the video)

In an earlier interview, Zheng Xinyi talked about her mother’s feelings about her family’s jewelry. She said that this is a kind of thought left by her mother, and she will pass it on well. If there is a chance in the future, I will also bring them to meet with you.


Zheng Xinyi, who debuted as a singer 11 years ago, won the “Hong Kong Golden Melody Female Singer” award at this year’s “Hong Kong Golden Melody Awards Ceremony”. ViuTV’s “Chill Club” promotion list won the female singer award in three consecutive cities, achieving this year’s Hong Kong female singer grand slam, and once again proving its strength to the outside world.

Since Zheng Xinyi inherited her mother’s easy-to-fat physique since she was a child, the topic of her has always been inseparable from the word “obesity”. After becoming a girl, she lost about 35 kilograms through deliberate dieting. However, her easy-to-fat physique caused her weight to rebound suddenly, and she even had serious health problems. For this reason, she declared that she would no longer lose weight blindly.

However, Zheng Xinyi, who has lost a lot of weight now, revealed in an interview before the concert in the Red Pavilion in June this year that due to her long-term troubled body that is prone to obesity, she has long since started to quit, and worked hard to exercise, playing Muay Thai, Learn to dance and finally appear in the best condition at the concert.

When Zheng Xinyi appeared on the cover of the magazine this time, she said that she sometimes hates her exaggerated style and personality, but fortunately, she is not tired of music, and has played the good genes her mother has inherited from her in music. She was praised by netizens for exuding “natural beauty”, and she happily said in the video that her little achievement in music was considered a 35th birthday gift from her mother.

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(Transfer from The Epoch Times/Editor-in-charge: Ye Ping)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/11/02/a103565708.html

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