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12 things to know, explained by a doctor

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What is the prostate? Can those who suffer from it ride a bike? What foods irritate you? And again: therapies, supplements and false myths explained by one of the leading experts

The prostate, from the anatomical point of view, it is one small gland found under the bladder and in front of the rectum and is part of the male reproductive system. It surrounds part of the urethra, the penile tube that carries urine from the bladder and helps produce the fluid that carries sperm from the testicles during ejaculation. But the prostate for many men is above all a memo of the passing of time: after the age of 40 it can manifest some discomfort, which increase with the years. All problems that, fortunately, today can be solved thanks to medicine and a correct lifestyle, as explained by a Journal one of the leading experts on the subject: Professor Francesco Montorsi, Director of the Operational Unit of Urology at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

  • Prostate: what is it and what is it for?
  • Prostate and sex: is there a link?
  • Prostate and bike: get on the saddle or not?
  • An enlarged prostate (prostatic hypertrophy)
  • Foods and drinks that inflame the prostate
  • Prostate: supplements, treatments

Prostate: what is it and what is it for? –

The prostate is the organ that produces male semen (or sperm). This secret is released during ejaculation. We have had it since we were children, but we realize we have it when we have the first ejaculations. And around the age of 18/20, at times, the first problems, typically inflammatory, can arrive: the prostate between 18 and 30 years is stressed quite often and this in some cases can produce inflammation.

Prostate and sex –

We often talk about the relationship between prostate and sexuality: but how are things really?

Is it better to have little or a lot of sex to keep her healthy?

The rule is to always maintain a regular sexual activity: excesses are not good, therefore neither few nor too many ejaculations. Staying for 7/10 days without ever ejaculating could sometimes create discomfort at the time of intercourse: it’s like keeping the car in the garage for too long, the engine restarts with some difficulty. With increasing age the ejaculations are reduced, but let’s not forget that sexuality in the male remains active even beyond the 80 years. Although there are people who may have a reduction or disappearance of the sexual urge and have no problem with the prostate.

Is the prostate responsible for sexual dysfunction?

After the age of 40 and then after the age of 50 and 60 they can be felt gradually reductions in the amount of semen. It is not a disease, but a normal aging process: the prostate becomes drier, it produces less fluid. But the orgasm doesn’t change.

Prostate and bike –

On the forums of cyclists and bike lovers in general, the question is much debated: can cycling hurt the prostate? Are there any solutions?

Is it true that bikes are bad for the prostate?

I followed great cycling champions: they had very normal prostates. Today it is possible to use a precautionary and protective clothing and ergonomic bike saddles, specially designed to avoid prostate problems. I advise patients to use it and ride a bike without any problems. Condemning cycling because it hurts the prostate has no scientific basis. Except in rare cases where even clothing and special saddles (usually with a hole in the center, ed) unfortunately do not work.

Prostate and bike: how to find out if it hurts?

We have to learn to notice how it feels at the end of the ride. Self getting off the bike we do not feel particular disturbances in the testicles and perineum, it means that we have kept the delicate area protected. If, on the other hand, after the bike we feel the lower parts as anesthetized for several minutes, hours and even days, perhaps we are not protecting ourselves well.

An enlarged prostate (prostatic hypertrophy) –

After the age of 40, the prostate increases in size. And because it surrounds part of the urethra, the enlarged prostate can cause problems when trying to pee.

Is it true that over time the dimensions change from those of a walnut to that of a tennis ball?

The prostate at 20 weighs 20 grams, therefore the size of a small walnut. But I have had patients who had a prostate of over 350g, so nothing but tennis ball! What is certain is that from the age of 40 onwards, the prostate can become larger due to hormonal and growth effects. There is also a genetic component. But, beware: it is not mandatory that the enlargement always causes disturbances, even if it often does.

Can anyone who suffers from prostatic hypertrophy play sports?

By prostatic hypertrophy we mean an enlargement (adenoma) of the central part of the gland that causes a change in caliber of the prostatic urethra that crosses it with a consequent obstacle to the outflow of urine at the time of urination, and this typically has characteristics of benignity from a clinical point of view enlarged prostate can create classic ailments, such as having to get up at night to urinate, have a reduced urinary stream and the impression of not being able to empty completely. But there are drugs that can solve the situation. When it comes to sports, activities such as walking, swimming and others energize the muscles and are protective for health. So the answer is yes: if you protect yourself adequately you can play sports without problems.

Foods and drinks that inflame the prostate –

Prostate sufferers quickly learn to reduce the amount of fluids they consume before bed. But not everything creates problems in the same way …

Are there any foods that people with enlarged prostates should avoid?

Certain foods or drinks may cause some discomfort to some people. But there is no specific list. Let’s say that, at times, herbal teas and tea derivatives could be annoying: they have an irritative and diuretic effect on the bladder and, therefore, the prostate. They are not dangerous, mind you, but they lead to urinating more often. The same goes for some sodas that contain caffeine but, again, not everyone reacts in the same way. Other people can be annoying the bubbles of sparkling wines and champagne. As for foods, particularly spicy ones could stimulate her. But giving up everything does not make sense, unless the patient recognizes that if he eats and drinks certain dishes or drinks, then he has problems for a week. We always keep in mind that you only live once.

Prostate: checks and treatments –

If you have trouble starting to urinate or need to urinate often, especially at night, it could be a sign of prostatic hypertrophy. What are the treatments and methods to find out?

At what age is it good to undergo the first checks?

According to international guidelines, if you have a family history of prostate cancer, the first PSA should be done at age 40: it is a simple blood test, which finds a marker for prostate cancer. In case there is not familiarity, the checks can be done even at 45 years of age. But it is useful that when you do the first PSA you also go to the doctor specialized (urologist or andrologist, ed).

Among the products suggested for those suffering from prostatic hypertrophy there are supplements and drugs based on Serenoa Repens. But are they all the same?

They are the most used, yes, in that in general the Serenoa is well tolerated. Side effects can sometimes depend on the excipients of the product: therefore, before taking the supplement, it is good to seek advice from a urologist. And he / she will also suggest the best product.

If in extreme cases we have to operate, what is the best method for prostate surgery today?

We have been using the holmium laser, a technique that allows you to treat all types of prostate and that solves the problem without incisions.

Is it true that the operated patients will have difficulty with ejaculation?

No. But if a patient has a very large prostate, the portion that will need to be removed is larger. In some cases this could lead to having the so-called retrograde ejaculation: you have an erection and orgasm, but you do not see the seminal fluid coming out. However, remember that men of a certain age, no longer very young, usually undergo these operations and obtain an improvement in their quality of life.

Prostate cancer: According to American data, after the age of 40 1 in 9 adults can get prostate cancer and 1 in 41 dies. Is this also the case in our country?

More or less yes. Prostate cancer should not be underestimated: but it is important to remember that if you follow the prevention rules and are lucky enough to meet a good doctor, you can live well up to 100 years.

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